Mahmoud Mohamed Abd El ghany
6 Ahmed Saied st. behind Assiut Second police station,
Assiut City, Egypt
Date of Birth: 18th Jan. 1980
Nationality: Egyptian
Age: 31
Marital Status: married.
Military status: exempted
K e y s k i l l s a n d e x p e r i e n c e
Nov2010 ~ to date : General authority of Roads & Bridges (section of assiut)
Job Site. : Duplicate of elminya-benysoief road
Position. : civil engineer.
Duties :
• Directing on executing the project of elminya-benysoief road costing 200 milion pound .
Nov09 ~ to nov2010 : Nmaa office( Prof.D.esam shraf) (consultant engineer)
Job Site. : Assiut-Redsea road costing 600 million pound
Position. : material engineer.
• Quality control and make all of tests on materials which used for construction
of road and make all mixes design for project .
Sep08 ~ to Nov09 : General authority of Roads & Bridges (section of newvally)
Job Site. : Baries / (shark eloinat ) road
Position. : Site engineer.
• Directing on executing the four projects of construction of baries / sharkeloinat road totally length 210 kilometer costing 125 million pound.
July06 ~ to Sept08 : Kingdome of saudi arabia ministry of transport (mot) –abdolrahman
elnaeem office (consultant engineer )
Job Site. : Almahd /almadina highway road
Position. : Civil engineer and material inspector .
• Quality control and make all of tests on materials which used for construction
of road and directing all bridge and box culvert works.
October 05 ~ July06 : General authority of Roads & Bridges .
Job Site. : El khrga / Assiut road
Position. : Site engineer.
• Directing on executing the project of mountain passageway on El khrga / Assiut road costing 5 million pound.
March. 04 ~ Sep. 05. : General authority of Roads & Bridges .
Job Site. : Assiut / Dayrot road
Position. : Site engineer.
• Directing on executing of recovering and strengthening Assiut // Dayrot road (75 kilometer length) costing 25 million pound.
Apr . 03 ~ Feb. 04. : General authority of Roads & Bridges.
Job Site. : Abnob / El badary road
Position. : Site engineer.
• Directing on executing of expanding ,recovering , strengthening and paving Assiut /ELbadary road (68 kilometer length) costing 31 million pounds
• Directing on executing the project of Almaana bridge costing 1.5 million pound.
July . 02 ~ Apr. 03. : Harby contracting Co.
Job Site. : Egyptian Army South Area
Position. : Site engineer.
• Responsible for constricting of officers hotel
• Responsible for constricting of officers prison
Fluency (written and spoken) in both Arabic and English
E m p l o y m e n t
to date Ministry of Transport (A.R.E.)
Supervisor engineer in the general assembly for roads , bridges and overland transportation
E d u c a t i o n
2002-1997 Assuit university, Faculty of Engineering
Bachelor of Civil engineering
Diploma of Civil engineering (traffic & transportation )
L a n g u a g e s
Arabic (mother tongue)
English (fluent spoken and written).
O t h e r ________________________________________
Professional user for AutoCAD (2D) &Land4
Good idea about land project for design road and total station.
References available on request
الراسل م/ عمرو عتمان