The torso also includes the heart, a metaphor for your vital life force, as well as representing the bonds of love.
It's almost a metaphor for immigrant life, which has to be retooled to succeed in America.
Never use a metaphor , simile or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
What is known is that the ball was a metaphor for the movement of the sun, and by extension also of the moon and stars.
This would be a good metaphor for something, no doubt, if I could only pin it down.
when we speak of gene maps and gene mapping, we use a cartographic metaphor
Yet its importance as a metaphor for evil means that the coalition remains desperate to exorcise these demons.
The title is a metaphor for the need to satisfy cravings that perhaps we do not always fully recognize.
the amounts of money being lost by the company were enough to make it a metaphor for an industry that was teetering
her poetry depends on suggestion and metaphor
I prefer to think that stiff-neckedness is a metaphor for being stubbornly set in one's ways.
Throughout the film, the necklace serves as a metaphor for her freedom to live a life of her choosing.
In the story, this inability to finish a picture is a metaphor for being reluctant to commit to a relationship.
From what I've read the film is more of a metaphor for home coming/coming out.
Smoking is an epidemic; it is a metaphor for cancer in its spread as much as it is for infecting people with cancer.
I had also meant for this story to be a metaphor for my own life as I knew it and saw it.
I like to think of the rats as a metaphor for the city's egalitarianism.
So if my garden is a metaphor for my life now then I'm in big trouble!
the amounts of money being lost by the company were enough to make it a metaphor for an industry that was teetering
He is a recurring metaphor for the colour and movement of Australians at play.
her poetry depends on suggestion and metaphor
This could be seen as a metaphor for writing fiction, but the story itself seems too schematic.
Images are often presented through figures of speech like simile and metaphor .
What kept me reading was how the novel worked as such a creepy metaphor for contemporary America.
The metaphor of consumption dominates this speech and connects each image.
The book's title is, of course, a metaphor for what she as a writer does.
Somehow niggling at my brain is this apartment as a metaphor for the Korean Way of Doing Things.
The usual suspect, Mr Duff, was never really in the running - literally as well as metaphorically .
The dream contains all the violence of a given situation but it sits veiled in metaphors and images.