Will Lebanon Fall To ISIS Next?It is hard to say what is going to happ ترجمة - Will Lebanon Fall To ISIS Next?It is hard to say what is going to happ العربية كيف أقول

Will Lebanon Fall To ISIS Next?It i

Will Lebanon Fall To ISIS Next?

It is hard to say what is going to happen but there is reason for concern and our domestic media is not addressing this increasingly deteriorating situation.

In the Taif Agreement that helped bring an end to the civil war that lasted from the mid 1970s until 1990, the Lebanese constitution was rewritten so that the president is a Christian, the prime minister is a Sunni, and the speaker of the parliament is a Shiite. In a country of 6.1 million people, smaller than the population of Massachusetts, the religious demography of the country is approximately 40 percent Christian, 27 percent Sunni, and 27 percent Shiite. The president is elected by the parliament; the parliament is elected by the people. In the increasingly polarized sectarianism sweeping the Middle East, for the past year, the parliament has not agreed on a president. So there is a vacuum of leadership in that important office. Adding insult to injury, the parliament has not held elections and extended the term of its current members.

You Stink Campaign!
As the squabbling has continued over the past year, the responsibilities of civil service have been neglected. The central landfill used by Beirut is full. The parliament has not done its job to find a suitable replacement. As such, since July 17 more than 20,000 tons of trash have accumulated on the side of the streets all over Beirut. The people call the protests a part of the "You Stink" campaign. Rats and disease are on the rise. When the stench has become unbearable some citizens took to burning the trash to ash but this has resulted in toxins being released into the air that citizens breathe.

Weakened Police Legitimacy
As one would expect civilian protests have erupted, which is permitted under their constitution. However, a few protesters turned the situation on its head by throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. The police responded by firing rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons at the citizens. The prime minister, who runs the government, said this was an excessive use of force. Police legitimacy is one of the core tenants of any stable society. Prime Minister Tammam Salam has urged restraint among citizens and threatened to resign over the crisis.

Crumbling Economy
Compounding these woes at the local level, Lebanon's credit rating is a B-. The CIA World Factbook states

"Spillover from the Syrian conflict, including the influx of more than 1 million Syrian refugees, has increased internal tension and slowed economic growth to the 1-2% range in 2011-13, after four years of averaging 8% growth."
Its revenues are around $10 billion and its expenditures are around $15 billion. Lebanon is looking at getting a "failed state" rating by the credit agencies. The CIA further stated
"Weak economic growth limits tax revenues, while the largest government expenditures remain debt servicing and transfers to the electricity sector. These limitations constrain other government spending and limit the government's ability to invest in necessary infrastructure improvements, such as water, electricity, and transportation."
The consequence of this could be similar to what we saw in Greece, but possibly with worse security implications.

Enter ISIS?
ISIS took advantage of the failure of the central governments to keep control of civil society in Syria and Iraq. If Lebanon's government collapses it is possible that ISIS may try to fill the vacuum in the absence of effective leadership. ISIS has been gaining ground in Syria, which is the north and east of Lebanon, as well as in Iraq.

ISIS in Lebanon would be a massive problem for a number of reasons. In addition to gaining more ground that would make it harder to turn back the tide on the growth in ISIS, much of Lebanon's resources and armaments could be compromised. Additionally, Israel is located directly below Lebanon so their border security could be threatened.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
Will Lebanon Fall To ISIS Next?It is hard to say what is going to happen but there is reason for concern and our domestic media is not addressing this increasingly deteriorating situation.Sectarianism In the Taif Agreement that helped bring an end to the civil war that lasted from the mid 1970s until 1990, the Lebanese constitution was rewritten so that the president is a Christian, the prime minister is a Sunni, and the speaker of the parliament is a Shiite. In a country of 6.1 million people, smaller than the population of Massachusetts, the religious demography of the country is approximately 40 percent Christian, 27 percent Sunni, and 27 percent Shiite. The president is elected by the parliament; the parliament is elected by the people. In the increasingly polarized sectarianism sweeping the Middle East, for the past year, the parliament has not agreed on a president. So there is a vacuum of leadership in that important office. Adding insult to injury, the parliament has not held elections and extended the term of its current members.You Stink Campaign!As the squabbling has continued over the past year, the responsibilities of civil service have been neglected. The central landfill used by Beirut is full. The parliament has not done its job to find a suitable replacement. As such, since July 17 more than 20,000 tons of trash have accumulated on the side of the streets all over Beirut. The people call the protests a part of the "You Stink" campaign. Rats and disease are on the rise. When the stench has become unbearable some citizens took to burning the trash to ash but this has resulted in toxins being released into the air that citizens breathe.Weakened Police LegitimacyAs one would expect civilian protests have erupted, which is permitted under their constitution. However, a few protesters turned the situation on its head by throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. The police responded by firing rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons at the citizens. The prime minister, who runs the government, said this was an excessive use of force. Police legitimacy is one of the core tenants of any stable society. Prime Minister Tammam Salam has urged restraint among citizens and threatened to resign over the crisis.Crumbling Economy Compounding these woes at the local level, Lebanon's credit rating is a B-. The CIA World Factbook states"Spillover from the Syrian conflict, including the influx of more than 1 million Syrian refugees, has increased internal tension and slowed economic growth to the 1-2% range in 2011-13, after four years of averaging 8% growth."Its revenues are around $10 billion and its expenditures are around $15 billion. Lebanon is looking at getting a "failed state" rating by the credit agencies. The CIA further stated"Weak economic growth limits tax revenues, while the largest government expenditures remain debt servicing and transfers to the electricity sector. These limitations constrain other government spending and limit the government's ability to invest in necessary infrastructure improvements, such as water, electricity, and transportation."The consequence of this could be similar to what we saw in Greece, but possibly with worse security implications.Enter ISIS?ISIS took advantage of the failure of the central governments to keep control of civil society in Syria and Iraq. If Lebanon's government collapses it is possible that ISIS may try to fill the vacuum in the absence of effective leadership. ISIS has been gaining ground in Syria, which is the north and east of Lebanon, as well as in Iraq.ISIS in Lebanon would be a massive problem for a number of reasons. In addition to gaining more ground that would make it harder to turn back the tide on the growth in ISIS, much of Lebanon's resources and armaments could be compromised. Additionally, Israel is located directly below Lebanon so their border security could be threatened.
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
سوف بنان يسقط على ISIS التالي؟ ومن الصعب القول ما الذي سيحدث ولكن ليس هناك سبب للقلق، ولدينا وسائل الإعلام المحلية ولم تتناول هذا الوضع المتدهور على نحو متزايد. الطائفية في اتفاق الطائف التي ساهمت في وضع حد للحرب الأهلية التي استمرت من منتصف 1970s حتى عام 1990، تم إعادة كتابة الدستور اللبناني بحيث يكون الرئيس مسيحيا، ورئيس الوزراء سني، ورئيس البرلمان شيعيا. في بلد من 6.1 مليون شخص، أصغر من السكان من ولاية ماساتشوستس، والديموغرافيا الدينية البلاد ما يقرب من 40 في المئة المسيحية، 27 في المئة من السنة، و 27 في المئة من الشيعة. يتم انتخاب الرئيس من قبل البرلمان. وينتخب البرلمان من قبل الشعب. في الطائفية المستقطبة على نحو متزايد تجتاح الشرق الأوسط، خلال العام الماضي، والبرلمان لم يوافق على الرئيس. حتى لا يكون هناك فراغ في القيادة في هذا المنصب الهام. ومما زاد الطين بلة، لم يعقد البرلمان الانتخابات وتمديد فترة أعضائها الحاليين. أنت نتن الحملة! ومع استمرار المشاحنات خلال العام الماضي، ومسؤوليات الخدمة المدنية قد أهملت. مكب النفايات المركزي التي تستخدمها بيروت ممتلئ. والبرلمان لم تقم بعملها لإيجاد بديل مناسب. على هذا النحو، منذ 17 يوليو تراكمت أكثر من 20،000 طن من القمامة على جانب الشوارع في جميع أنحاء بيروت. ويسميها الناس الاحتجاجات جزء من حملة "أنت رائحة كريهة". الفئران والمرض آخذة في الارتفاع. عندما أصبحت رائحة لا تطاق استغرق بعض المواطنين إلى حرق القمامة إلى رماد ولكن هذا أدى السموم التي تطلق في الهواء الذي يتنفس المواطنين. الشرعية الشرطة ضعفت وكما هو متوقع فقد اندلعت الاحتجاجات المدنية التي يسمح بها الدستور الخاصة بهم. ومع ذلك، تحول عدد قليل من المتظاهرين الوضع رأسا على عقب إلقاء زجاجات مولوتوف على الشرطة. وردت الشرطة بإطلاق الرصاص المطاطي والغاز المسيل للدموع ومدافع المياه على المواطنين. وقال رئيس الوزراء، الذي يدير الحكومة، وكان هذا الاستخدام المفرط للقوة. الشرعية الشرطة هي واحدة من المستأجرين الأساسية في أي مجتمع مستقر. وحث رئيس الوزراء تمام سلام ضبط النفس بين المواطنين وهدد بالاستقالة بسبب الأزمة. يفتت الاقتصاد يزيد من تفاقم هذه المشاكل على المستوى المحلي، التصنيف الائتماني لبنان هو B-. وكالة المخابرات المركزية كتاب حقائق العالم تنص على "الآثار الناجمة عن الصراع السوري، بما في ذلك تدفق أكثر من 1 مليون لاجئ سوري، ازداد التوتر الداخلي وتباطأ النمو الاقتصادي لمجموعة 1-2٪ في 2011-13، بعد أربع سنوات من المتوسط ​​8٪ النمو ". ايراداتها بنحو 10 مليار $ ونفقاتها هي حوالي 15 مليار $. لبنان تبحث في الحصول على "دولة فاشلة" التصنيف من قبل وكالات الائتمان. وذكرت وكالة المخابرات المركزية كذلك "عائدات الضرائب يحد من النمو الاقتصادي الضعيف، في حين لا تزال أكبر النفقات الحكومية خدمة الدين والتحويلات لقطاع الكهرباء. وهذه القيود تحد الإنفاق الحكومي الآخر وتحد من قدرة الحكومة على الاستثمار في تحسين البنية التحتية اللازمة، مثل المياه والكهرباء والنقل ". ونتيجة لهذا يمكن أن يكون على غرار ما شهدناه في اليونان، ولكن ربما مع الآثار الأمنية سوءا. أدخل ISIS؟ أخذ ISIS الاستفادة من فشل الحكومات المركزية للحفاظ على السيطرة على المجتمع المدني في سوريا والعراق. اذا انهارت الحكومة اللبنانية أنه من الممكن أن ISIS قد تحاول ملء الفراغ في ظل غياب القيادة الفعالة. وقد ISIS الحصول على أرض الواقع في سوريا، وهي شمال وشرق لبنان، وكذلك في العراق. ISIS في لبنان سيكون مشكلة كبيرة لعدد من الأسباب. بالإضافة إلى كسب المزيد من الأرض التي من شأنها أن تجعل من الصعب العودة الى الوراء المد على النمو في ISIS، والكثير من الموارد لبنان والتسلح يمكن المساس بها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن إسرائيل تقع مباشرة أسفل لبنان حتى يمكن هدد أمن حدودهما.

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