28 years old omani gentleman who was involed in MVA on 09/02/2014 and was brought to EM with his left upper limb partially amputated.CT abdomen showed free fluid in abdominal cavity with shattered spleen .
He was taken for emergency surgery and following procedures were don
- Exploratory laparotomy surgery and splenectomy
- left long saphenous vein Harvest
- Exploration of left arm
- left sided interposition graft for the brachial artery from upper arm to the distal brachial artery at the elbow
- NCB plate fixation for fracture humerus and Forearm compartment decompression
Intra op findings revealed : intact radial,median,ulnar and musculocutanous nerves,contused brachial artery with absent pulses, devitalized muscles of left arm and