The ICBT treatment were a form of text-based guided self-help
treatment with therapist support via the internet that consisted
of seven-to-ten treatment modules, or chapters, per participant
covering a period of tenweeks. Themodules have been shown to be
effective previously when used on specific diagnosed samples (i.e.
panic disorder; Carlbring et al., 2006), social phobia (Andersson
et al., 2006), generalized anxiety disorder (Paxling et al., 2011)
and depression (Vernmark et al., 2010) and were adapted to be able
to be presented together in the tailored format by being slightly
rewritten (e.g., words relating to specific conditions were
removed). Tailoring included both the order of treatment modules
the amount of text presented to the participant and how many
modules to include in the ten week treatment protocol. The same
seven MSc students who conducted the SCID-interviews served as
Internet therapists. The therapists had access to supervision by a
licensed clinical psychologist both regarding the format and client-
specific questions throughout the study period. All communication
between participants and therapists was made through the
internet, using a messenger system within the treatment platform
similar to e-mail, and the main nature of the feedback was to
answer any questions regarding the module and homework
Each module consisted of text and illustrations (9e39 A4 pages)
presenting a specific symptom and exercises and were to be
completed by three-to-eight essay questions to be worked through
during a period of one week. Some of the modules (i.e., relaxation
and mindfulness) had audio files attached to them for the partici-
pants to listen to. The homework questions were intended to
encourage learning and to help the Internet therapist assess
whether the participants had assimilated the material or not. Par-
ticipants were asked to answer the questions and provide work-
sheets and report on outcomes of different exercises to their
therapist once a week. Following submission of the report, they
were given individual feedback, most often within 24 h. When the
therapist received a homework assignment showing that the
participant has assimilated the material, the next module was
made accessible through an encrypted message exchange system.
The therapists were instructed not to spend more than 15 min per
participant per week in reading and communicating feedback.
Prescribed modules were available for download in PDF format,
and participants were advised to print out or to download the self-
help material to have the material readily available.
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
التدخلمعاملة القيادات كانت شكلاً من أشكال المساعدة الذاتية الإرشادية المستندة إلى نصالعلاج مع الطبيب المعالج الدعم عبر الإنترنت والتي تألفتوحدات العلاج سبعة إلى عشرة، أو فصول، كل مشاركتغطي فترة من تينويكس. وقد أظهرت ثيمودوليس أن تكونفعالة سابقا عند استخدامها على عينات محددة تشخيص (أياضطراب الهلع؛ كارلبرينج et al., 2006)، الرهاب الاجتماعي (أندرسوناضطراب القلق (باكسلينج et al., 2011) العام et al., 2006)،والاكتئاب (فيرنمارك et al., 2010) وتم تكييفها لتكون قادرة علىلعرض معا في تنسيق مصممة بشكل طفيفإعادة كتابة (مثلاً، تتصل بظروف محددة كانت الكلماتإزالة). للخياطة وشملت كل ترتيب وحدات المعالجةمقدار النص قدم للمشاركين وكمالوحدات النمطية تضمينها في بروتوكول العلاج الأسبوع عشرة. نفس الشيءسبعة طلاب الماجستير الذين يجري إخضاعها-المقابلات بمثابةالإنترنت المعالجين. المعالجين وكان الوصول إلى إشرافمرخص لها سواء فيما يتعلق بشكل والعميل-نفسانيأسئلة محددة طوال فترة الدراسة. كافة الاتصالاتكان من بين المشاركين والمعالجين خلالشبكة الإنترنت، باستخدام نظام رسول ضمن منهاج العلاجكانت مماثلة للبريد الإلكتروني، والطابع الرئيسي لردود الفعل علىالإجابة على أي أسئلة تتعلق بالوحدة والواجبات المنزليةتعيينات.تتألف كل وحدة من النص والرسوم التوضيحية (9e39 صفحات بحجم A4)presenting a specific symptom and exercises and were to becompleted by three-to-eight essay questions to be worked throughduring a period of one week. Some of the modules (i.e., relaxationand mindfulness) had audio files attached to them for the partici-pants to listen to. The homework questions were intended toencourage learning and to help the Internet therapist assesswhether the participants had assimilated the material or not. Par-ticipants were asked to answer the questions and provide work-sheets and report on outcomes of different exercises to theirtherapist once a week. Following submission of the report, theywere given individual feedback, most often within 24 h. When thetherapist received a homework assignment showing that theparticipant has assimilated the material, the next module wasmade accessible through an encrypted message exchange system.The therapists were instructed not to spend more than 15 min perparticipant per week in reading and communicating feedback.Prescribed modules were available for download in PDF format,and participants were advised to print out or to download the self-help material to have the material readily available.
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