Click on the link.
Scan the page, and determine if it is an article or not.
If it is an article, click "Yes," otherwise click "No"
If it is an article you will be asked to validate the author, review the author name.
Scan the page, and determine if the author of the article is the same as the name provided. Note: the name may appear at the top or bottom of the article and in some cases a name may not appear at all.
If the article's author and the provided name are reasonably the same, click "Yes," otherwise click "No"
Is this link an article?
What IS an article:
An article is a written piece about a particular subject that has a human author which informs the reader on specifics about the subject.
It can be on multiple pages Example or as short as a few sentences Example .
It can be formatted in paragraphs Example , broken up into topics Example or a list Example .
Interviews Example and Slide Shares Example should also be considered an article.
Please Note: Links that have more than one article per page should not be counted as being an article. Example for an example of a page that has more than one article.
What is NOT an article
"Landing pages," which link to other pages that may be articles or may be pages about services that the site is selling. Example
"Category pages" that either link to other articles that fall within a category, or have multiple articles in the page that fall in that category. Example.
"Forum or Discussion Board" has several users all submitting information in a conversation to each other. Example.
"Article preview" has a section of an article that is followed by a link to the full article. Example. Note that the link is to the full length of the same article, not to similar articles Example , additional pages of the article Example or supporting information Example. Each of those would be considered an article.
“Image” a web page that is only an image without an accompanying article Example. If there are more than keywords to describe the image it should be considered an article Example.
“Video” a web page that is only an video without an accompanying article Example. If there are more than keywords to describe the video it should be considered an article Example.
“Event Itinerary” web page that lists an event scheduled without an accompanying descriotions, overviews, or recaps Example. If there are detailed descriptons of the event or if it is a recap of an event it should be considered an article. Example.
"Login page" if a website requires you to login to view their content it should be marked as not being an article. Example
"Social page" if the link brings you to a social page such as Facebook Twitter or Myspace it should be marked as not being a article.
"Dead links" if the page does not load it should be marked as not being an article.
Is the provided author the author of this article?
What IS an acceptable author match: An exact match is always ideal but some variation in the name is acceptable like....
Having a middle initial in one name but not the other.
Only the first name or last name are listed.
Only initials are on listed and they match the full name.
Pen names that appear to be related to the full name should be accepted as well.
This would be something like Name:"Bob Anderson" Pen Name: "Bobcat".
Note:These examples may occur in both article or in the provided name.
What is NOT an acceptable match
Pen name that is not similar to a full name.
Full name that is not similar to the full name.
Initials that is not similar to a full name.
Provided name appears in a list of authors that write for a site but didn't write the linked article.
In this task, we will be providing you with an author name and a link to an article. We will be asking you to validate that the author name we provide is actually the author of the linked article provided.
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