Is it only this old cherokee that knew how we really tick? Beyond all the bravado, that is.
“An old Cherokee told his grandson “There is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is go(o)d. It is joy, love, peace, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.”
The boy thought about it, and asked “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”The old man quietly replied. “The one you feed.”
In his latest game play, Putin speaks on behalf of God. And old empire minded trick that goes back to the days of Cyrus the Great 540BC.
I wrote a little theory about how that may have went down. Apologies for the literary skills and skip to P136 for the summary. For anyone interested it's free for a while. Reality is all in the patterns of behaviour, not the rhetoric, perhaps.
If Putin knew anything about Go(o)d at all, would he be supplying arms to Syria. Rather he'd be stopping the bloodshed, wouldn't he.,0,5970764.story
Time for a united stand against politicians and their games. Time to remind them of their role as servants to the people.
If only we could find a point of focus #LAWnotWAR
75% of all nations, inspired by the Rwandan atrocity in 1994, have signed the ICC's Rome Statute, this includes Russia. If America re-signs they can go into partnership to hunt down and prosecute people that commit any pastor future atrocities against the Syrian People.
Wouldn't that be a better outcome for the Syrians? Two Super powers + 75% against the "real" criminal. Heck invite the other 25% to the party. That should provide a focus. #LAWnotWAR
What's the cost? One signature. Oh and Putin, could stop the supply of weapons, to prove his sincerity.
Is the pen indeed mightier than the sword.
And where's the media's integrity in these game?