was just testing my inner artistic flare ...redecorating our bedroom ..." She pulls his head closer, tickles him as she whispers into his ears ... "a four poster bed so I can bind you and keep you to myself, a pole in that corner so I can pole dance for you... " and she went on ...causing Jalal to almost choke. Jalal watches her in awe thinking how his life had changed ...he enjoyed her company, her bubbly spirit, her innocence, her witty attitude and her wildness in bed, before she came into his life, it was just a house with maid service, but her presence made it a home, a place of belonging...he begins to resent traveling and being away from home, away from her. He watches her as she walks away, her swaying hips begins to stir his passion for her ... subconsciously, his mind recalls Abdul telling him about Jo and Sunny's MBA internship in Switzerland with Glencore International. He begins to wonder why Jo was hiding it from him...she was .