in extending our modern concept of art outward to other cultures and backward in time, we observe that peoples throughout history have created visually meaningful forms. Whether those forms be paintings or textiles, buildings or ceramics, they have in common that they are about something. This “aboutness” is what allows us to experience them as art. But what sorts of things are they about?
One way to begin exploring the elusive concept of “aboutness” is to consider some broad areas of meaning that have been reflected in the arts of many cultures throughout human history. We can call these areas of meaning themes. No doubt, every person setting out to name the most important themes in art would produce a different list. This chapter proposes eight themes, from the sacred realm to art about art. Each one allows us to range widely over the world's artistic heritage, setting works drawn from different times and places in dialogue by showing how their meanings begin in a shared theme.
Just as a work of art can hold many meanings and inspire multiple interpretations, so it may reflect more than one theme. As you read this chapter, you may find yourself considering works discussed earlier in the light of the new theme at hand, or thinking about how a newly encountered work also reflects themes discussed earlier. This is as it should be. Themes are not intended to reduce art to a set of neat categories. Rather, they provide a framework for exploring how complex a form of expression it can be.