النتائج (
العربية) 1:
قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن المغامرات روعهقصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن المغامرات روعه ، قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن المغامرات روعهقصص قصيرة باللغة الانجليزيةOnce there was a mousewho lived in a great big house.The mouse had a pet bugwhich lived in his mug.The mouse wasn't very happywhen his bug jumped into his favourite rug.The mouse made the bug stay in his mugand forbade it to go near the rug.The bug just wouldn't listenand jumped onto the rugThis time, the mouse was furiousand squashed it with his mug Mission Fishing One bright and sunny day, I felt like fishing. So I packed what I needed ... fishing rod, hooks, weights and of course, worms for bait. When I reached the jetty, I put a worm on the hook and threw the line in and waited for the fish to bite. I was disappointed when I did not catch anything after waiting for three hours. I pulled in the line and to my surprise, there was a small fish at the end of the line. The fish was so small that I did not feel any tug on the line. I was even more surprised when the fish started to talk, "Let me go or I will turn you into a frog!" I was so startled that I just stared at it. The next moment, I was already a frog ... ribit, ribitالمصدر: موقع البرونزية النسائي
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