I’m Frank, the creator and webmaster for BeMoreCreative.com. I’d like to briefly explain how this website, and all the websites in the bemorecreative.com family, evolved from my personal interest in quotations.
My wife and I began our married life working for seven years as volunteers in Zaire (now DR Congo) with Mennonite Central Committee – she as a nurse and I, first as a teacher, and later as a public health manager. By 1981 I had completed a Masters in Tropical Diseases at Johns Hopkins and a Doctorate in International Health at Tulane Universities. I was then hired by USAID to manage a large health-systems development project based in Kinshasa. The SANRU Basic Rural Health project which I helped to manage developed 100 decentralized health zones to provide primary health care for more than 10,000,000 people. That is, however, another story told better at http://SANRU.org