Tank surfaces show signs of leakage _______ ______ ___________________
Tanks are damaged, rusted or deteriorated _______ ______ ___________________
Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged _______ ______ ___________________
Tank supports are deteriorated or buckled _______ ______ ___________________
Tank foundations have eroded or settled _______ ______ ___________________
Level gauges or alarms are inoperative _______ ______ ___________________
Vents are obstructed _______ ______ ___________________
Valve seals or gaskets are leaking _______ ______ ___________________
Pipelines or supports are damaged _______ ______ ___________________
Buried pipelines are exposed _______ ______ ___________________
Loading/unloading area is damaged _______ ______ ___________________
Connections are not capped/blank-flanged _______ ______ ___________________
Secondary containment is damaged _______ ______ ___________________
Dike drainage valves are open _______ ______ ___________________
Fencing, gates or lighting is non-functional _______ ______ ___________________
Check contents/serviceability of Spill kits _______ ______ ___________________