To the Secretary General of the United Nations :.
His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations
Dear Respected Sir,
We, the civil society organizations working in the relief and humanitarian sector in Taiz governorate, Republic of Yemen, present to you this appeal, and cry for an urgent aid/rescue to the city of Taiz due to the dramatic deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the province, and the serious consequences arising therefrom, which are exacerbated daily leading to an alarming humanitarian disaster that will difficult to deal with in the future.
There is no doubt that you are following and you are well aware of the barbaric and destructive war waged by Houthis and the former President, Ali Saleh, on Taiz and its civilians for nearly four months. This has resulted in tragic impact affected, infrastructure, human beings and every living creature in this peaceful and civilized city. This city is under shelling and indiscriminate killing of civilians, including women, children and elderly people. Majority of the population have been displaced and infrastructure service projects as (electricity, water) have been destroyed. Imposed blockade on the city from various quarters, which prevented the arrival of any food and medical supplies for the population and turned life in the province to what looks like a mass prison and the only way out is death.
You also know what has resulted from this horrible and tragic situations that have led to serious consequences such as mass departure of the population in an unprecedented way to unknown locations due to the lack of shelter camps. Moreover, public life in the city has completely stopped; diseases and serious epidemics have drastically spread as a result of dead bodies in the streets and because of the lack of hygiene and health services. In addition to all the above, there is a lack of necessary sustenance for the majority of the population who have been suffering the dangers of malnutrition for which the province has officially been declared a stricken province.
To confirm what has been stated earlier, here are some details of the humanitarian situation taking place in the province, as well as the unjust suffering of the population as follows:
- The city is undergoing a terribly suffocating blockade from different entrances carried out by gunmen and snipers of the Houthis and the former president, Saleh, preventing the entry of all basic food needs such as water, food, vegetables, baby milk, medical supplies and others.
- The Houthis an Saleh militants have looted and taken away all humanitarian aid provided by international organizations, the latest of which was the aid from UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration and the World Food Program for displaced people on 4-10-2015.
- The armed militias, using all light and medium weapons, have looted and confiscated the property and possessions of the citizens in the entrances to the city and have destroyed daily household needs kidnapping and assaulting innocent people.
- We assure you that the province of Taiz has not received any relief or any international aid despite the continuous appeals and cries for help by the various agencies and organizations.
Accordingly, in the name of simple and innocent children, women and elderly people in this stricken city, and in the name of humanity, as you are in charge of human beings’ suffering on this earth, and as you are the one to support all ordinary and helpless public, we appeal to you to:
- use you higher authorities and rapid intervention to save the people of this province and put an end to their worsening suffering in general.
- pressurize on the leadership of the armed militias to lift the siege/blockade imposed on the city and allow the entry of the medicinal and food needs and other supplies to people, putting an end to the indiscriminate and barbaric bombing of civilians and innocent people.
- work on the formation of an international commission to watch and investigate fairly and transparently all crimes of genocide and indiscriminate killings, violations and inhuman practices, which affected innocent people, children and women, including the looting of aid from international organizations and to bring the perpetrators of the International Criminal Court.
Finally, we assure you that continuous international silence and disregard to the turmoil and the disaster which this city has been through and what its unarmed people face such as persecution and genocide will inevitably lead to an unprecedented humanitarian disaster whose victims will be hundreds of thousands of innocent people. No party will have the power to stop or escape its consequences if this disaster continues.
Best Regards
May God give you long life to be the supporter of the oppressed and the tortured on this earth
Heads and Representatives of Relief and Humanitarian Civil Socie
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
To the Secretary General of the United Nations :.His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United NationsDear Respected Sir, We, the civil society organizations working in the relief and humanitarian sector in Taiz governorate, Republic of Yemen, present to you this appeal, and cry for an urgent aid/rescue to the city of Taiz due to the dramatic deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the province, and the serious consequences arising therefrom, which are exacerbated daily leading to an alarming humanitarian disaster that will difficult to deal with in the future.There is no doubt that you are following and you are well aware of the barbaric and destructive war waged by Houthis and the former President, Ali Saleh, on Taiz and its civilians for nearly four months. This has resulted in tragic impact affected, infrastructure, human beings and every living creature in this peaceful and civilized city. This city is under shelling and indiscriminate killing of civilians, including women, children and elderly people. Majority of the population have been displaced and infrastructure service projects as (electricity, water) have been destroyed. Imposed blockade on the city from various quarters, which prevented the arrival of any food and medical supplies for the population and turned life in the province to what looks like a mass prison and the only way out is death.وتعلمون أيضا ما نتج عن هذه الحالات المرعبة والمأساوية التي أدت إلى عواقب وخيمة مثل الرحيل الجماعي للسكان بطريقة لم يسبق لها مثيل في أماكن مجهولة بسبب الافتقار إلى المأوى في المخيمات. وعلاوة على ذلك، قد توقفت تماما في الحياة العامة في المدينة؛ وانتشرت الأمراض والأوبئة الخطيرة جذريا نتيجة جثث القتلى في الشوارع، ونظرا لعدم وجود خدمات النظافة والصحة. بالإضافة إلى جميع ما ذكر أعلاه، هناك هو نقص القوت الضروري لغالبية السكان الذين يعانون من مخاطر سوء التغذية التي المقاطعة رسميا أعلنت مقاطعة المنكوبة.لتأكيد ما ذكر في وقت سابق، فيما يلي بعض التفاصيل عن الحالة الإنسانية التي تجري في المقاطعة، فضلا عن المعاناة الظالمة للسكان على النحو التالي:--المدينة يخضع لحصار خانق رهيب من مداخل مختلفة قامت بها مسلحين وقناصة حوثيون والرئيس السابق، صالح، منع دخول جميع الاحتياجات الغذائية الأساسية مثل الماء والغذاء، والخضروات، وحليب الأطفال، واللوازم الطبية والآخرين.-حوثيون مسلحين صالح قد نهبت وأخذ جميع المساعدات الإنسانية المقدمة من المنظمات الدولية، النازحين آخرها المساعدات من المفوضية والمنظمة الدولية للهجرة وبرنامج الأغذية العالمي لفي 10/04/2015.-الميليشيات المسلحة، باستخدام جميع الأسلحة الخفيفة والمتوسطة، وقد نهب ومصادرة أموالهم وممتلكاتهم للمواطنين في مداخل المدينة ودمرت الحاجات المنزلية اليومية الاختطاف والاعتداء على الأبرياء.-نحن نؤكد لكم أن محافظة تعز لم تتلق أي تخفيف أو أي المعونة الدولية على الرغم من النداءات المستمرة وصرخات لمساعدة وكالات ومنظمات مختلفة.تبعاً لذلك، باسم بسيط والابرياء من الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن في هذه المدينة المنكوبة، وباسم الإنسانية، كما كنت مسؤولاً عن الكائنات البشرية تعاني في هذه الأرض، وأنت واحد لدعم جميع الجمهور العادي وعاجز، نناشدكم أن:--استخدام السلطات العليا والتدخل السريع لإنقاذ شعب هذا الإقليم ووضع حد لما تفاقم المعاناة بشكل عام.-ممارسة الضغط على قيادة الميليشيات المسلحة رفع الحصار/الحصار المفروض على المدينة، والسماح بدخول الطبية والاحتياجات الغذائية وغيرها من الإمدادات إلى الناس، على وضع حد للقصف العشوائي والوحشي للمدنيين والابرياء.-العمل على تشكيل لجنة دولية لمشاهدة والتحقيق فيها إلى حد ما، وشفافية جميع جرائم الإبادة الجماعية والقتل العشوائي والانتهاكات والممارسات اللاإنسانية، التي تؤثر على الناس الأبرياء والأطفال والنساء، بما في ذلك نهب المساعدات من المنظمات الدولية وتقديمهم "المحكمة الجنائية الدولية".وأخيراً، نؤكد لكم أن الصمت الدولي المستمر وعدم الاكتراث للاضطرابات والكوارث التي مرت بهذه المدينة وما وجه شعب أعزل مثل الاضطهاد والإبادة الجماعية سيكون حتما من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى كارثة إنسانية لم يسبق لها مثيل وسيكون ضحاياها مئات آلاف الناس الأبرياء. وسيكون أي طرف سلطة وقف أو الهروب من عواقبه إذا استمرت هذه الكارثة.مع خالص تحياتيقد يعطي الله لك حياة طويلة مؤيدا للمضطهدين والتعذيب على هذه الأرضمن: رؤساء وممثلي سوتشي المدني الإغاثة والشؤون الإنسانية
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..