Antisocial personality disorder
Characteristics antisocial personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder is characterised by continuous disregard for social obligations, and callous unconcern for the feelings of others whose rights are often violated. Individuals with this disorder are unreliable, manipulative, incapable of lasting relationships, unable to conform to prevailing social norms and lacking sense of responsibility.
Their behaviour is not readily modifiable by adverse experience, including punishment. There is a low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression without feelings of guilt or remorse. There is a tendency to blame others, or to offer plausible rationalizations for their behaviour, bringing them into conflict with society. Their behaviour is often interrupted by rage, cruelty, and violence. Tattoos and scars from self-mutilation are common as well as a propensity towards substance abuse, repeated delinquency and criminality [12].
Disinhibitory syndrome is an essential feature of the antisocial personality disorder, characterised by an impaired control of impulses and reduced ability to anticipate negative consequences of behaviour. Antisocial individuals exhibit intense and persistent anger that is expressed as reproach toward various subjects, including the self. They are intolerant of any increase of anxiety without developing additional symptoms or pathological behaviour, and have incapacity for reflective mourning or sadness [11].
Frequent suicide threats and attempts are also common as well as preoccupation with somatic functioning. If disorder has malignant qualities, it is characterized with a triad consisting of:
self-centred behaviour,
sadistic or uncontrollable aggression and
a paranoid distortion of reality (tendency to interpret reality as hostile).
[11] ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. WHO, Geneva, 1992.
[12] Lecic-Tosevski, D. (2000). Description of specific personality disorders. In New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (eds. M.G. Gelder, M.G., J.J. López-Ibor Jr., and N.C. Andreasen), pp. 927-953. Oxford University Press. Oxford, New York.
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
Antisocial personality disorderCharacteristics antisocial personality disorderAntisocial personality disorder is characterised by continuous disregard for social obligations, and callous unconcern for the feelings of others whose rights are often violated. Individuals with this disorder are unreliable, manipulative, incapable of lasting relationships, unable to conform to prevailing social norms and lacking sense of responsibility. Their behaviour is not readily modifiable by adverse experience, including punishment. There is a low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression without feelings of guilt or remorse. There is a tendency to blame others, or to offer plausible rationalizations for their behaviour, bringing them into conflict with society. Their behaviour is often interrupted by rage, cruelty, and violence. Tattoos and scars from self-mutilation are common as well as a propensity towards substance abuse, repeated delinquency and criminality [12].Disinhibitory syndrome is an essential feature of the antisocial personality disorder, characterised by an impaired control of impulses and reduced ability to anticipate negative consequences of behaviour. Antisocial individuals exhibit intense and persistent anger that is expressed as reproach toward various subjects, including the self. They are intolerant of any increase of anxiety without developing additional symptoms or pathological behaviour, and have incapacity for reflective mourning or sadness [11]. تهديدات متكررة الانتحار ومحاولات شائعة أيضا فضلا عن الانشغال بأداء جسدية. إذا كان اضطراب الصفات الخبيثة، يتميز هذا مع مجموعة ثلاثية تتكون من:السلوك أنانية،العدوان سادية أو لا يمكن السيطرة عليها وجنون العظمة تشويها للواقع (الميل إلى تفسير الواقع كمعاد).[11] التصنيف الدولي للأمراض-10 تصنيف الاضطرابات العقلية والسلوكية. منظمة الصحة العالمية، جنيف، عام 1992.[12] ليسيك توسفسكي، دال (2000). وصف لاضطرابات الشخصية المحددة. في جديد كتاب أكسفورد للطب النفسي (محرران جيلدر الشخص والشخص وشئون لوبيز-ايبور الابن واندرياسن نورث كارولاينا)، الصفحتان 927-953. مطبعة جامعة أكسفورد. أكسفورد، نيويورك.
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