19世纪末20世纪初,在物理科学领域里面,科学家遇到了一系列经典物理所无法解释的问题,这些问题被看成是“晴朗太空的几朵乌云”,如黑体辐射、光 ترجمة - 19世纪末20世纪初,在物理科学领域里面,科学家遇到了一系列经典物理所无法解释的问题,这些问题被看成是“晴朗太空的几朵乌云”,如黑体辐射、光 الصينية كيف أقول


拓展了V 型、Λ型和级联型原子辐射出的荧光谱。
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النتائج (الصينية) 1: [نسخ]
Late 19th century and early 20th century,In the field of physical science,Scientists have encountered a series of problems cannot be explained by classical physics,These issues are considered to be "clear a few clouds in space"Such as black body radiation, photoelectric effect, and so on.It is precisely these issues to the advent of the quantum revolution,Planck, Einstein, glass such as a series of scientific genius, after many difficulties and laid the Foundation of quantum mechanics. Then Broglie introduced the concept of matter waves,Matter waves as a probability wave,The probability of fluctuation of control,That at some point a likelihood of space of a point in May.Quantum theory point of view, is that the material does not have a definite position,Macroscopically, theIt's location is in fact the probability wave function, on average, before the measurement, its location is uncertain, but once measuredWe can get the average and determine the location.Schrödinger proposed representation theory, the uncertainty relation of quantum theory has been further perfected and a series of concepts [1].In the course of further study of the quantum theory,From the up and entangled quantum state of quantum mechanics [2-5] application to quantum information system [6-7],Then to the second revolution-quantum field theory [8-11] proposed,Quantum field theory applied to condensed matter physics and particle physics,Mainly for particle production and annihilation [12-13] description of the many-particle system provides a very effective framework.Then scientists have made radiation of excited atoms and atoms,That is apart from the ground state and excited state of the atom,Electrons in excited States are unstable,Easily absorbs a photon and jump into upper State,Will be returned to the base state of low energy or radiation photon.With the development of physical science,Mollow physicist first proposed under the effect of the laser field,Two-level-atoms resonance fluorescence spectrum radiation,A standard spectral lines at three peaks:A central peak and two symmetrical wing.Then encompassing Mollow laser spectroscopy [14-20] theoryV type lambda and cascade development of fluorescence spectra of atomic radiation.
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النتائج (الصينية) 2:[نسخ]
Late 19th and early 20th century,
in which the physical sciences,
scientists have encountered a series of classical physics can not explain the problem,
the problem is seen as a "clear space Jiduo clouds",
such as blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect, and so on.
It is these issues to the arrival of the quantum revolution,
Planck, Einstein, Bohr and a series of talented scientists experienced many difficulties after laying the cornerstone of quantum mechanics. With the proposed matter wave Houdebuluo Italian concept
of matter waves as a probability wave,
the size of the laws of probability by fluctuations dominated
refers to the probability of a point may occur at some point in a space.
Quantum theory point of view there is no substance considered a definite position,
at the macro level,
it is actually showing the location of the mean of the probability wave function, prior to measurement uncertainty in its place, and once measured,
we where it can be obtained and the average value determined.
Schrödinger proposed representation theory, the concept of a series of uncertain relationship to further improve the quantum theory [1].
Further study of the quantum theory,
quantum mechanics put into entangled quantum states [2-5] applied to quantum information systems [6-7],
and then the second revolution - a quantum field theory [8-11] proposed ,
quantum field theory and more used in condensed matter physics and particle physics,
describes the main particle creation and annihilation [12-13] of many-particle systems provide a very effective framework.
Then scientists have proposed atomic excitation and radiation atoms,
ie, in addition to ground-state atomic excited state as well as outside,
the electronic excited state is unstable located,
easily absorbed photon transition to the high-energy state,
will radiate photons return to a lower energy state, or ground state.
With the development of the physical sciences,
such as physicists Mollow first proposed under the action of the laser field, the
two-level atom resonance fluorescence spectrum of radiation,
its standard line of triplet structure:
a central peak and two symmetrical winger.
Then people around Mollow laser spectroscopy [14-20] theory,
expand the V-type, Λ type and cascade out of the fluorescence spectrum of atomic radiation.
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النتائج (الصينية) 3:[نسخ]
At the end of nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century, in which the physical sciences,
scientists encountered a series of problems can not be explained by classical physics,
these problems can be regarded as "a few clouds sunny space", such as the photoelectric effect. The blackbody radiation, etc..
it is these problems to the quantum revolution, Planck, Einstein, Bohr and so on a series of scientific talent to lay the cornerstone of quantum mechanics in experienced a lot of difficulties. Then De Broglie put forward the concept of matter wave,
matter wave as a probability wave,
probability by the fluctuation dominated,
refers to the probability in a moment a space of a possible.
Quantum theory of the view that material does not have a definite position,

at the macro level, it displays the position is the average of the probability wave function value, before the measurement, its location is uncertain, but once the measurement, we can get it to the average value and position.
Schrodinger proposed representation theory, uncertainty relation and a series of concepts to further improve the quantum theory [1].
further study to quantum theory, quantum mechanics
from concept of entangled quantum states of [2-5] applications to quantum information system [6-7], and then to put forward the two revolution
[8-11] quantum field theory,Quantum field theory is often used in condensed matter physics and particle physics, particle system and annihilation of
[12-13] for particles provides a framework is very effective.
then scientists have proposed radiation excitation of atoms and atomic ground state,
in addition to in addition to the excited state, excited state electron in

is unstable, easy to absorb photons and the transition to the high-energy state, they will radiate photons and return to the lower energy state or ground state. With the development of the physical sciences
Mollow physicist was first put forward in the laser field,
radiation of two level atom resonance fluorescence spectrum,
the standard spectrum of three peak structure:
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