As for techniques- who and how to psychically attack- ask for guidance from Satan and his Demons. They will lead you to what you need to know. Just be open.
This is a simple step-by-step program, that if followed consistently, will produce results within six months. Remember, the six month time period is a major step upward and is a preparation for the higher levels of ability. When you can focus completely and clearly for five minutes, you have reached a competent level. You can work more on these than the minimum in the lessons given. You can do these as often as you wish to advance at a faster rate, but it is very important to stick with this program.
I suggest you keep a black book or journal and record your strengths and weaknesses, any notable experiences or impressions or anything you feel is important. Ask yourself how the meditation felt, how you felt afterwards, the next day, any problems you might have had in doing the meditation, etc.