HiStatistics has shown that your country are the most workaholic citiz ترجمة - HiStatistics has shown that your country are the most workaholic citiz العربية كيف أقول

HiStatistics has shown that your co

Statistics has shown that your country are the most workaholic citizens of the world here in the US bureau of information on global man labor under the YMCA Human project,the YMCA will be undertaking a Sub headquarters in the Phoenix,USA a 2 months project,the project will take place in Phoenix,7 official citizens are needed from your country to be part of the project worth 30 millions$ and be paid weekly,the team will also get the chance to visit the headquarters after the project and work with the global YMCA globally in the US.
I' am a programmer working with the YMCA and to lead your team from your country.
I once visited your country,your country is one of the best place to be.
If you consider to be among the project organization, you should forward your application and get your membership card of the YMCA and application form and the organization working permit,and your group will be visiting the organization for your convocation before the commencement of the project in MARCH 30TH, 2016, You can log unto our website below and take a look.

http://www.ymca.net/ If you consider this great opportunity the YMCA are given globally,you have to forward your application to Mrs Danielle Scott

YMCA - the Y
OFFICIAL SITE for the YMCA of the USA: At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone ...

YMCA - the Y
OFFICIAL SITE for the YMCA of the USA: At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone ...

E-mail: ymca.usa@usa.com
Tel; +14062821601

Scholarship for students will be given for student willing to further their studies in the US through the YMCA,the project has been targeted for 30,000$ weekly for the 7 team members.I will be working with the regional coordinator from USA, Mr Franklin Hunter who is undertaking a project in Africa and he will be coordinating your team for visas approval

as the branch executive director of the YMCA

While you apply for detail information, I will talk to her, and l will be here to stand for you and to monitor the situation in your favor i will be happy to receive you here in my beloved Country (America). If you should apply for it, let them know that I recommend you for they will not waste time with your application .May be through this Program and by the special grace of God we might start affecting each other life positively or at least be able to say that you have made me to know this or that. Surely, no one lives to himself or herself and what ever we can do today for one another may stand for our glory tomorrow.

With great love from your dearest in heart Below is my address and be ready to become our global correspondent.
Downtown Phoenix YMCA
909 4th Avenue
Phoenix,PH 61605USA
Tel/ +18284901894

From: Ali Awad
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:48 AM
To: amanda2014bryan@hotmail.com
Subject: aa

My dear

Good day I hope so

I hope to be friends


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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
HiStatistics has shown that your country are the most workaholic citizens of the world here in the US bureau of information on global man labor under the YMCA Human project,the YMCA will be undertaking a Sub headquarters in the Phoenix,USA a 2 months project,the project will take place in Phoenix,7 official citizens are needed from your country to be part of the project worth 30 millions$ and be paid weekly,the team will also get the chance to visit the headquarters after the project and work with the global YMCA globally in the US.I' am a programmer working with the YMCA and to lead your team from your country.I once visited your country,your country is one of the best place to be.If you consider to be among the project organization, you should forward your application and get your membership card of the YMCA and application form and the organization working permit,and your group will be visiting the organization for your convocation before the commencement of the project in MARCH 30TH, 2016, You can log unto our website below and take a look.http://www.ymca.net/ If you consider this great opportunity the YMCA are given globally,you have to forward your application to Mrs Danielle ScottYMCA - the Ywww.ymca.netOFFICIAL SITE for the YMCA of the USA: At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone ...YMCA - the Ywww.ymca.netالموقع الرسمي لجمعية الشبان المسيحيين في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: في Y، تعزيز المجتمع هي قضيتنا. كل يوم، ونحن نعمل جنبا بجنب مع جيراننا للتأكد من أن الجميع...البريد الإلكتروني: ymca.usa@usa.comتل؛ +14062821601المنح الدراسية للطلاب سوف تتاح للطلاب استعدادا لمواصلة دراستهم في الولايات المتحدة عن طريق جمعية الشبان المسيحيين، وقد استهدف المشروع ل 30,000 دولار أسبوعيا لأعضاء الفريق 7. وسوف أعمل مع المنسق الإقليمي من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، السيد فرانكلين هنتر الذي تضطلع بمشروع في أفريقيا وأنه سينسق الفريق الخاص بك للموافقة على تأشيراتكفرع المدير التنفيذي لجمعية الشبان المسيحيينطلب للحصول على معلومات تفصيلية، وسوف أتحدث لها وسوف يكون ل هنا لنقف لك ورصد الحالة في صالحك سوف أكون سعيداً لتلقي لك هنا في بلدي الحبيب (الأمريكية). إذا كان يجب تطبيق لذلك، فليعلموا أن أوصى لكم لأنهم سوف لا نضيع الوقت مع التطبيق الخاص بك. قد تكون من خلال هذا البرنامج، وخاصة نعمة الله أننا قد تبدأ تؤثر على بعضها البعض الحياة إيجابيا، أو على الأقل أن تكون قادرة على القول بأنك جعلت لي أن أعرف هذا أو ذاك. ومن المؤكد أن لا أحد يعيش لنفسه أو نفسها، وما يمكننا أن نفعله اليوم لأحد آخر قد تقف لنا المجد غدا.مع الحب الكبير من أعز الخاص بك في قلب أدناه عنوان بريدي وتكون مستعدة لتصبح مراسلنا العالمية.amanda2014bryan@hotmail.comجمعية الشبان المسيحية وسط مدينة فينيكس909 4th AvenuePhoenix,PH 61605USATel/ +18284901894________________________________________From: Ali Awad Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:48 AMTo: amanda2014bryan@hotmail.comSubject: aaMy dearGood day I hope soI hope to be friendsGreetingsali
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