1) What is a co-op?
A co-op is a group of players who get together to chat and help each other in the game.
The Co-op Building is unlocked at level 19, and you can rebuild it to create your own co-op or join someone else’s. Co-ops can have up to 30 members. Fellow members can exchange crops and goods with each other, letting them develop their towns faster.
2) How do I create my own co-op?
Use the tab in the Co-op Building to create a co-op. Creating a co-op costs 1,000 coins. Choose your co-op's name wisely, as you won't be able to rename it. Then choose a unique badge and co-op type: “Open” - other players don't need your permission to join your co-op; “Closed” - only players you invite can join your co-op (bear in mind that you can only invite Facebook or Game Center friends to your co-op); “By request” - players send a request to join your co-op that you can accept or decline.
3) How do I join an existing co-op?
There are a number of ways to join another co-op: choose one from the list of co-ops in the Search tab; search for a co-op name in the Search tab; accept a friend's invitation in the Inbox tab; visit the town of a friend who is already in a co-op and learn more about it by tapping the Co-op Building in their town.
4) How do I invite friends to my co-op?
If you are a Leader, a Co-leader, or an Elder in your co-op, you can send invitations to other players. No other co-op members can do so.
You can only send invitations to your Facebook, Game Center (iOS) or Google+ (Android) friends. To send an invitation, go to your friend's town and then tap the button in the bottom left-hand corner with your co-op's badge. The invitation will be automatically sent to your friend’s Inbox.
5) How do I join a different co-op?
You can only be a member of one co-op at a time. If you are already in one, you will have to leave it before you can join another one. To leave a co-op, tap the Co-op Building and then the Leave button. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be free to join another co-op or create your own.
6) How do I request and get goods from other players?
You can only exchange goods with fellow co-op members. The amount you can request depends on the product type and how difficult it is to produce. Don’t forget what level your fellow co-op members are at when requesting a product, as they may not be able to send you what you’re looking for.
There are help counters displayed in your co-op member list that show how many products each member has donated.
7) What positions do co-ops have?
The different co-op positions available help manage the co-op as a whole. There are four positions available: Leader, Co-leaders, Elders and Members.
8) What does the co-op Leader do?
This is the player who created the co-op and can change its settings. The leader can invite new members to the co-op, promote and demote them, and promote another member to the position of Co-leader. If the Leader leaves the co-op without promoting a replacement, the position will be assumed by the player: with the highest rank in the co-op or who has been a member of the co-op the longest.
9) What do the co-op Co-leaders do?
These are members that help their Leaders, as only Leaders and Co-leaders can promote members to this position. While they can do almost everything Leaders can, Co-leaders aren't allowed to demote or kick the Leader.
10) What do the co-op Elders do?
These are members who can invite other players and accept or decline their requests to join the co-op. Leaders and Elders are in charge of deciding who will be in the co-op and monitoring the chat.
11) What do the co-op Members do?
These are the rank-and-file players, and they can request or donate products and interact in the chat. Members can be promoted (they just have to ask the Leader or Co-leaders to do it for them).
12) How do I rename my co-op?
Unfortunately, co-op names are permanent. Choose your name wisely and avoid using any offensive words or personal information. We may consider renaming your co-op if you contact our Support Team for one of the following reasons: the name contains personal information you don't want to disclose or the name contains offensive words.
13) How do I report offensive activity?
Even though we're absolutely sure that Township players are all friendly and polite, any community may have a number of people, deliberately insulting others.
This game has a system that filters profanity and other offensive phrases when players create their towns and co-ops, and chat with others. However, there's always a way out to avoid any filter. If you come across an offensive word, please take a screenshot of it and an offender's town and report it to our Support Team.
We will also update the FAQ as soon as new frequently asked questions arrive! Just make sure to stay tuned and keep asking
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
1) ما هو تعاونية؟التعاوني هو مجموعة من اللاعبين الذين يحصلون على معا للدردشة ومساعدة بعضهم البعض في اللعبة.مبنى التعاونية مقفلة على مستوى 19، والتي يمكن إعادة إنشاء التعاونية الخاصة بك أو الانضمام إلى شخص آخر. التعاونيات يمكن أن يصل إلى 30 عضوا. يمكن تبادل زملائي أعضاء المحاصيل والسلع مع بعضها البعض، مما يتيح لهم تطوير مدنهم أسرع.2) كيف يمكن إنشاء التعاونية الخاصة بي؟استخدم علامة التبويب في مبنى التعاونية لإنشاء التعاونية-إنشاء تعاونية تكاليف 1,000 القطع النقدية. اختر اسم المرجع المشترك الخاص بك بحكمة، كما لن تتمكن من إعادة تسميته. ثم اختر نوع الشارة وتعاونية فريدة من نوعها: "فتح"--لاعبين آخرين لا تحتاج إلى إذن منك للانضمام إلى التعاونية الخاصة بك؛ "مغلقة"--يمكن للاعبين فقط يمكنك دعوة الانضمام الخاص بك التعاونية (نضع في اعتبارنا أن فقط يمكنك دعوة أصدقاء فيسبوك أو لعبة مركز للتعاونية الخاصة بك)؛ "حسب الطلب"--إرسال اللاعبين طلبا للانضمام إلى التعاونية الخاصة بك التي يمكنك قبول أو رفض.3) كيف تنضم تعاونية القائمة؟وهناك عدد من الطرق للانضمام إلى تعاونية أخرى: اختيار واحد من القائمة للتعاونيات في علامة التبويب بحث؛ البحث عن اسم تعاونية في علامة التبويب بحث؛ قبول دعوة صديق في علامة التبويب البريد؛ زيارة بلده الصديق الذي بالفعل في الروابط تعاونية ومعرفة المزيد عن ذلك بالتنصت على مبنى التعاونية في مدينتهم.4) كيفية القيام بدعوة الأصدقاء لبلادي التعاونية؟إذا كنت قائدا أو زعيما المشارك أو إحدى المسنات في التعاونية الخاصة بك، يمكنك إرسال دعوات للاعبين الآخرين. لا يوجد أعضاء التعاونية الأخرى القيام بذلك.يمكنك فقط إرسال دعوات إلى الخاص بك فيسبوك، لعبة مركز (iOS) أو Google + أصدقاء (الروبوت). لإرسال دعوة، انتقل إلى المدينة لصديقك وثم اضغط على الزر الموجود في الزاوية اليسرى السفلي مع شارة المرجع المشترك الخاص بك. سيتم إرسال الدعوة تلقائياً إلى علبة الوارد الخاصة بك صديق.5) كيف تنضم تعاونية مختلفة؟فقط يمكنك أن تكون عضو في تعاونية واحدة في وقت واحد. إذا كنت بالفعل في أحد، سيكون لديك لتركه قبل أن يمكنك الانضمام إلى واحد آخر. لترك تعاونية، الاستفادة من مبنى التعاونية، ومن ثم الزر إجازة. وبمجرد الانتهاء من ذلك، عليك أن تكون حرة في الانضمام إلى تعاونية أخرى أو إنشاء الخاصة بك.6) كيفية طلب والحصول على السلع من اللاعبين الآخرين؟يمكنك فقط تبادل السلع مع أعضاء التعاونية زميل. المبلغ الذي يمكنك طلب يعتمد على نوع المنتج ومدى صعوبة إنتاج. لا تنسى ما هو مستوى أعضاء التعاونية زميل الخاص بك في عند طلب منتج، كما أنها قد لا تكون قادرة على إرسال لك ما كنت تبحث عن.وهناك عدادات التعليمات المعروضة في قائمة الأعضاء التعاونية التي تبين عدد المنتجات قد تبرعت بها الأعضاء.7)-ما هي المواقف التي لديك التعاونيات؟ مواقف التعاونية المختلفة المتاحة المساعدة في إدارة التعاونية ككل. وهناك أربع وظائف متاحة: زعيم والزعماء المشاركين وشيوخ وأعضاء.8) ماذا التعاونية القيام بالزعيم؟ This is the player who created the co-op and can change its settings. The leader can invite new members to the co-op, promote and demote them, and promote another member to the position of Co-leader. If the Leader leaves the co-op without promoting a replacement, the position will be assumed by the player: with the highest rank in the co-op or who has been a member of the co-op the longest.9) What do the co-op Co-leaders do? These are members that help their Leaders, as only Leaders and Co-leaders can promote members to this position. While they can do almost everything Leaders can, Co-leaders aren't allowed to demote or kick the Leader.10) What do the co-op Elders do? These are members who can invite other players and accept or decline their requests to join the co-op. Leaders and Elders are in charge of deciding who will be in the co-op and monitoring the chat.11) What do the co-op Members do? These are the rank-and-file players, and they can request or donate products and interact in the chat. Members can be promoted (they just have to ask the Leader or Co-leaders to do it for them).12) How do I rename my co-op?Unfortunately, co-op names are permanent. Choose your name wisely and avoid using any offensive words or personal information. We may consider renaming your co-op if you contact our Support Team for one of the following reasons: the name contains personal information you don't want to disclose or the name contains offensive words.13) How do I report offensive activity?Even though we're absolutely sure that Township players are all friendly and polite, any community may have a number of people, deliberately insulting others. This game has a system that filters profanity and other offensive phrases when players create their towns and co-ops, and chat with others. However, there's always a way out to avoid any filter. If you come across an offensive word, please take a screenshot of it and an offender's town and report it to our Support Team.We will also update the FAQ as soon as new frequently asked questions arrive! Just make sure to stay tuned and keep asking
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