Dear Miguel,
Thanks for your mail below.
I have meet them today and I proposed with them the following:-
- that we can accept to release the pending three invoice once you confirm but if only they can support us on exceptional basis for October ,November and if necessary December services for 50,000.00 EGP as a total.
- This payment will be again subjected to your technical satisfaction and approval over the service provided.
- It will be also subjected to minutes of meetings and weekly report.
- They will support to squeeze the proposed time sheet from Pro-service to respect a died-line of 30th November.
- We shall all cooperate and communicate to address any delay that pro-service will try to make.
- They will provide supporting reports over Pro-service delays which we can use to apply the 2.5% penalty over them as per the agreed contract as long as the delay is from them side.
If you have additional requirements ,please don’t hesitate to add so we can address it to them.
I have requested from Mr. Alberto to support for the investment documentation (INV 10852) required to close these invoices and the system requisition to close the order.
Further you need additional information ,we remain at your disposal.
Kind Regards
Ahmed Soliman