171تم نشره في 04‏/12‏/2012Kalpesh asks Bharati if Aditya was their son ترجمة - 171تم نشره في 04‏/12‏/2012Kalpesh asks Bharati if Aditya was their son العربية كيف أقول

171تم نشره في 04‏/12‏/2012Kalpesh a



تم نشره في 04‏/12‏/2012Kalpesh asks Bharati if Aditya was their son. Bharati agrees. Ketaki tells Kalpesh that she is disgusted that he doubts Bharati. Baa tells Ketaki not to speak in their family matter. Ketaki tells them that she is defending her sister. She tells them that all Bharati did was for their family. Ketaki tells them that Aditya was their son. Baa gets angry and asks her the reason Aditya was kept away from them. Baa tells her that Aditya must be her illegal son. Bapuji tells Baa to ask Bharati before accusing her. Bharati cannot find words. Ketaki tells Bapuji that Bharati did this to save her children from death. Bharati had four miscarriages. So, when Aditya was born, Bharati offered him to the God. Ketaki tells Bapuji that she had sent false news of the death of Bharati's child. Ketaki tells him that it is because of that sacrifice, his family is prospering. She tells Bapuji that Aditya grew up in the 'Muth'. Mona tells Kalpesh that he should not have doubted Bharati. Ketaki blames Mona for causing trouble in Bharati's life. Ketaki tells them that they should be thankful that their family is flourishing. Kalpesh asks everyone to keep quiet. Bharati tells Kalpesh that she did not tell him the truth as she knew he would never agree. Bharati tells Kalpesh that she was just sure that the baby would be alive. Kalpesh tells her how he was shattered when he had heard the news of the child's death. Bharati tries to explain the situation to Kalpesh but he walks off. Mona comes and apologises to Bharati. She tells Bharati that she was scared that she will never be able to meet her son. Ketaki tells Mona that she has spoiled the life of Bharati and her family. Bapuji tells Baa that Bharati did a wrong thing by hiding such a big thing from them. Everyone is troubled by the revelation.

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
171تم نشره في 04‏/12‏/2012Kalpesh asks Bharati if Aditya was their son. Bharati agrees. Ketaki tells Kalpesh that she is disgusted that he doubts Bharati. Baa tells Ketaki not to speak in their family matter. Ketaki tells them that she is defending her sister. She tells them that all Bharati did was for their family. Ketaki tells them that Aditya was their son. Baa gets angry and asks her the reason Aditya was kept away from them. Baa tells her that Aditya must be her illegal son. Bapuji tells Baa to ask Bharati before accusing her. Bharati cannot find words. Ketaki tells Bapuji that Bharati did this to save her children from death. Bharati had four miscarriages. So, when Aditya was born, Bharati offered him to the God. Ketaki tells Bapuji that she had sent false news of the death of Bharati's child. Ketaki tells him that it is because of that sacrifice, his family is prospering. She tells Bapuji that Aditya grew up in the 'Muth'. Mona tells Kalpesh that he should not have doubted Bharati. Ketaki blames Mona for causing trouble in Bharati's life. Ketaki tells them that they should be thankful that their family is flourishing. Kalpesh asks everyone to keep quiet. Bharati tells Kalpesh that she did not tell him the truth as she knew he would never agree. Bharati tells Kalpesh that she was just sure that the baby would be alive. Kalpesh tells her how he was shattered when he had heard the news of the child's death. Bharati tries to explain the situation to Kalpesh but he walks off. Mona comes and apologises to Bharati. She tells Bharati that she was scared that she will never be able to meet her son. Ketaki tells Mona that she has spoiled the life of Bharati and her family. Bapuji tells Baa that Bharati did a wrong thing by hiding such a big thing from them. Everyone is troubled by the revelation.تقييم ال
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
17 1 تم نشره في الأعضاء 12/4 / 2012Kalpesh يسأل بهاراتي إذا كان أديتيا ابنهما. يوافق بهاراتي. Ketaki يقول Kalpesh أنها تشعر بالاشمئزاز انه يشك في بهاراتي. ايه يروي Ketaki عدم التحدث في الأمر أسرهم. Ketaki يقول لهم أنها تدافع عن أختها. وهي تروي لهم أن كل فعل بهاراتي كان لعائلاتهم. Ketaki يقول لهم ان أديتيا كان ابنهما. ايه يغضب ويسألها السبب كان يحتفظ أديتيا بعيدا عنهم. ايه يخبرها بأن أديتيا يجب أن يكون الابن غير الشرعي لها. بابوجى يقول با لطرح بهاراتي قبل اتهام لها. بهاراتي لا يمكن العثور على الكلمات. Ketaki يقول بابوجى أن بهاراتي فعلت ذلك لإنقاذ أطفالها من الموت. كان بهاراتي أربع حالات الإجهاض. لذلك، عندما ولدت أديتيا، عرضت بهاراتي بينه وبين الله. Ketaki يقول بابوجى أنها أرسلت أخبار كاذبة وفاة طفل في بهاراتي. Ketaki يقول له أنه بسبب تلك التضحية وعائلته وتزدهر. تقول بابوجى أن أديتيا نشأ في "موث". منى يقول Kalpesh أنه لا ينبغي أن يشك في بهاراتي. Ketaki يلوم منى عن التسبب في متاعب في الحياة بهاراتي و. Ketaki يقول لهم أنها ينبغي أن تكون شاكرة لأسرهم تزدهر. Kalpesh يسأل الجميع للحفاظ على الهدوء. بهاراتي يقول Kalpesh أنها لم يخبره الحقيقة كما عرفت انه سيوافق أبدا. بهاراتي يقول Kalpesh أنها كانت مجرد التأكد من أن الطفل سيكون على قيد الحياة. Kalpesh يقول لها كيف وقد حطم انه عندما سمع نبأ وفاة الطفل. بهاراتي يحاول شرح الوضع لKalpesh لكنه يمشي باتجاه آخر. منى يأتي ويعتذر لبهاراتي. تقول بهاراتي أنها كانت خائفة أنها لن تكون قادرة على تلبية ابنها. Ketaki يقول منى أنها أفسدت حياة بهاراتي وعائلتها. بابوجى يقول با أن بهاراتي فعلت شيئا خاطئا عن طريق إخفاء شيء من هذا القبيل كبيرة منها. أكثر ما يقلق الجميع من قبل الوحي. تقييم ال

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 3:[نسخ]


تم نشره ‏ ‏ في 04 / 12 / 2012kalpesh يسأل بهاراتي لو اديتيا كان ابنهما.بهاراتي يوافق.ketaki يحكي kalpesh انها الانانية انه شكوك بهاراتي.بقى يقول ketaki لم يتكلم في مسألة عائليةketaki يقول لهم أنها تدافع عن أختها.تقول لهم ان كل بهاراتي كان لعائلاتهم.ketaki يقول لهم ان اديتيا كان ابنهما.بقى يغضب ويطلب منها السبب أديتيا أبقي بعيدا عنهم.بقى يقول لها ان اديتيا يجب أن يكون ابنها غير المشروعة.bapuji يحكي بقى أن نسأل بهاراتي قبل اتهام لها.بهاراتي لا يمكن العثور على الكلمات.ketaki يحكي bapuji بهاراتي هل هذا لإنقاذ أطفالها من الموت.بهاراتي أربعة أخطاء.لذا، عندما اديتيا ولد بهاراتي عرضت عليه الله.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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