Hi, everyone.
Coming up this session, ELI will host the "Festival of Nations" on Monday, Nov. 16th. This is our chance to teach university and Newark community about the cultures at ELI. We will have a talent show of international performances and a fashion show of costumes from many countries. We also want to have a table display to represent your country. Meghan Graham, one of our ELI teachers, has volunteered to work with you and offer advice to help create a wonderful Saudi table display, but it will be your responsibility to organize and work together. This is your chance to make sure that Saudi Arabia is well-represented and that everyone who visits the Festival learns about your country. I hope you have fun and "rise to the challenge" to create something fun and interesting.
PS: in planning your ideas, keep the following things in mind: 1) No food or beverages are allowed. 2) No tape or other sticky materials can be used to put things on the walls or doors (you can use paperclips as hooks to hang things). 3) You will have one electrical outlet. 4) Tables are 8 feet long (approximately 2.5 meters) by 3 feet (approximately 1 meter) and will have a white tablecloth on them (you can attach things to the tablecloth using pins). 5) No fires are allowed (this includes candles and incense).