health of juveniles and young offenders
Physical health of juveniles and young offenders
There are few surveys available of the health of this group. In a survey of the physical health of sentenced male offenders in England and Wales in 1994 [7] 58% of those in the 16-24 year age group reported a long standing illness or disability which was higher than that reported in any other age group, but they took less medication than the other age groups.
The most commonly reported long-standing conditions were musculo-skeletal and respiratory problems. 82 % percent reported using illegal drugs of addiction in the year prior to imprisonment, and 85 % smoked nicotine cigarettes.
A Finnish study (Matti Joukamaa, 1991)[8] did not distinguish between young prisoners and adults, but injuries and musculo-skeletal diseases were most frequently reported, along with respiratory diseases.
Psychiatric health of juveniles and young offenders
Psychiatric morbidity is generally high in all prison populations compared to those in the general populations outside of custody.
[7] Brigewood A, Malbon G. Survey of the Physical Health of Prisoners. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. London. HMSO; 1994.
[8] Joukamaa M. The Health of Finnish Prisoners (Wattu Project). 1991.