Date: 26th August, 2016-10-23 Reference: LAD/0913
To: Regional Manager
Bank Muscat S.A.O.G
South Shariqiya (Sur) Branch
Subject: Mahmood Abeid Zayed Al Araimi
Account holder: (0416044708110015)
Dear Sir,
We are writing to you in regards to the above-mentioned customer of Bank Muscat.
The case may be summarized as that on 15th May 2016 an amount of R.O. 23,180 (Twenty-three Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Omani Riyals) was transferred from NBO to Bank Muscat via telex ref no: 1004/T/L 1/167619 to settle the customer’s outstanding loan of the same amount in his account no (0416044708110015) with your Bank.
As per the terms of NBO’s agreement (Buy-out) with the said customer and the telex massage sent with the funds, the transfer of this amount was subject to his full salary assignment to his account with NBO (1004-A42153-017).
Please be advised that the transfer of funds to you by us via our said telex message sent on 15th May 2016 did speculate that the telex pay is subject to the settlement of his loan with Bank Muscat and the issuance of a “No Objections Letter” from you to his employer in reassigning his monthly salary to NBO, which did not take place so far.
Due to the terms of the agreement not being satisfied till date, we hereby request Bank Muscat to refund the total amount of OMR 23,180 (Twenty-three Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Omani Rials) in full immediately within five working days from the date on which you receive this letter or we shall be obliged to seek alternative remedies.
Mohammed Abdel Hafiz Mohammed
Senior Legal Advisor
CC: Head of Le3gal
Legal Division
Bank Muscat H.Q