The withdrawal of the masses of the Houthis and Saleh, the Saudi border - Yemeni to a distance of 30 km from the border in order to prevent any attack on Saudi territory in the future.
3. After negotiations Prep supported by United Nations and total of eighteen states , the parties will meet again for a period of not more than one week in order to finalizing the text of the Convention, complete and comprehensive, and then anticipatory.
4. Once the signing of a full and comprehensive convention. United Nations announces the formation of a national government within 30 days "if carried out by all parties with their obligations, each in his respective capacity.
5. Once the signing of a full and comprehensive agreement, the current vice president to resign and appoint a new president Hadi Vice President (named in the Convention ')
( First day )
6. Under the political and security hierarchical steps that have been negotiated and agreed upon, Implementation of the masses of Saleh and Houthi withdrawals from Sana'a as agreed, and delivery of heavy, medium arms . and the Yemeni government, supported by the coalition, will implement the agreed political steps in advance. masses of Saleh and Houthi will move all Ballistic missile launcher transferred to a third party, and Hadi appointed members of the security committees that oversee the security arrangements (starting from the first day after the signing ceremony of the agreement until the 30 day almost)
7. When the completion of the withdrawals from Sana'a, and delivery of arms and heavy and medium (including ballistic rocket launchers) Hadi transferred all his powers to the vice president, the vice president shall appoint the new prime minister, which replaces the previous government. (On the thirtieth day, or around, after the signing ceremony of the Convention).
8.Appoints the prime minister and members of his cabinet, according to the quotas agreed in the files on the basis of 30% of the jobs of the ministerial for mirror, and 50% of the South.. Received the Prime Minister and members of his powers when the parliament / National Body approves the names of members of the government and their programs. (on the 31 day, or around it. After the signing ceremony of the Convention).
9. After the inauguration of the new government in Sana'a, hold international guarantors for the full and comprehensive convention a conference meant to meet the urgent humanitarian needs, and the stability of the economy, and assist in the development and reconstruction.
10. Oversees the new unity government on additional withdrawals and delivery of arms from other provinces and from Taiz, Hodeida, which should be have started . (On the forty fifth day , or around after the signing ceremony of the Convention).