We spend *so* much time concerned with our external condition. I guess this is natural because you consider it to be the side of you that everyone can see.
Yet we hugely neglect our *internal* condition which is FAR more important and difficult to control, requires much more concern, and because you know that it is “only” seen by Allah jalla wa ‘alā, it somehow deserves less time, attention and rectification!
What were the first sins that Allah jalla wa ‘alā was disobeyed with?
Uncontrollable desire, arrogance, and envy. Three diseases of the heart. Three diseases from within.
Iblīs fell into arrogance.
Ādam (‘alayhissalām) fell hostage to his desires.
Concerning his two sons, Qābīl became envious of Hābīl, and then murdered him.
The consequences of these three monumental mistakes has affected humankind since Day One. The Qur’ān emphasises this fact a number of times. So what will it take to emphasise it more to you? Will you now take your internal condition more seriously?
Remember, you have no enemy like The Enemy Within