Now, a full-story about this magnificent autograph; he’s wearing a sap green shirt with dark washed jeans.
First time I went into the booth, I was so nervous that I couldn’t say anything, except “Hi, Mads.” He said “Hi to you, too.” and I gave him my Nigel painting and a portfolio of my actual drawings and paintings I have printed. He said as he looked me straight into the eye, “Are these for me?” and I said, “Yes, they are.”
Then I showed him my Nigel print and he said “You like Charlie Countryman.” and I responded “Yeah, Nigel is my favorite character.” I couldn’t say he was my muse, but I said “Yes.” and showed him my tattoo on my upper arm. Then he autographed “To death do us fucking apart, Kathy.” as I spelled my name for him. He shook my hand twice (once after I gave him my drawings and paintings and just before I got out) and I left in utter excitement, almost crying with joy as my heart thumped against my ribcage so hard. He is even more /handsome/ in person.