0:00the internet www the World Wide Web0:04a world of unlimited possib ترجمة - 0:00the internet www the World Wide Web0:04a world of unlimited possib العربية كيف أقول

0:00the internet www the World Wide

the internet www the World Wide Web
a world of unlimited possibilities you can shop
book a trip to a stony beach watch movies listen to music
taking up all your banking and maybe even pick up a date for Saturday night
the Internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives in New
both at home and at work and the rapid development of the Internet is further
reinforced by the spectacular sturgeon the number of internet users
you have a high-speed internet connection by ADSL Cable
this is resulting in a growing number of people who are continuously
online the Internet is indeed opened up a world of unlimited possibilities
this is also brought a growing number of trains
not only the proper use of the Internet is growing the misuse
and abusive the medium is also growing at an alarming rate
there are countless viruses and worms that use the latest text
force their way into your computer they often get into a PC Simon T
without you even knowing that there
but once had actually in your PC
they can wreak havoc reflect destruction of
your computer is like you home unwanted guests can break into a home on your
at any time and in any way often without you even saying oh noticing them off
%ah emails for example
can provide an entryway for viruses to penetrate your computer deal is simply
receive an email with an attachment that
tax your interest curiosity gets the better of you
and you open the attachment and presto the virus barges in and has unlimited
access to every nook and cranny of your PC
these viruses are also expected spreading and multiply
by all the addresses the needs but the note on the only way that viruses get
into your PC
actually every time you visit a website or download free music or video
you can contaminate the cement dangers installations
dammit but viruses contain my BB much more they are so clever that the week
all this have a can't I mean around
they don't need your help all they need is your PC
and the rest takes place automatically worms
another group that nasty intruders cannot expect
devastating speed lands cleverly used the leaks in your computer programs
to the into your computer and mobile PCs connected even if you wanted
you could send storm
the Puma companies that they letting all kinda
unsavory characters to do with actually like to keep out
and if you could see them he would be horrified at the riff-raff that walk
straight through the door
yep like we said there listen to tunes
of all the intruders books
are without a doubt the most ruthless they install themselves on your computer
often with the aid of a virus will work home and
as it were hypnotize your computer from this moment on
you are the owner of a zombie PC
12 PC is infected with a bald
it becomes part of the many branch network a zombie PCs
all infected with the same boat a bot net
it annoying for you and dangerous brothers
a breeding ground for criminal offenses from one central point
just one malicious person can order all the parts in the network
to carry out the same task for example to paralyze the company's network a
and they sent more than 50 percent all the spam sent worldwide
the repercussions have been attacked by a network are obviously I meant
greater more effective and more damaging attack from an individual can see
so if you don't protect your computer again spot it can unwittingly take part
in a collective attack at this nature
and why all this is taking place you'd probably won't notice a thing
your PC will appear to operate normally behind the scenes it will be working
overtime to carry out all kinds
undesirable activities all have the speed to pretty discouraging picture
just when you were feeling so positive about the endless possibilities provided
by the internet and your computer
but the good news is that it's not as complicated as it sounds
you can secure your PC by following just four simple
rules who won install
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
0:00الإنترنت الشبكة العالمية World Wide Web0:04عالم إمكانيات غير محدودة يمكنك متجر0:09كتاب رحلة إلى شاطئ ستوني مشاهدة أفلام الاستماع إلى الموسيقى0:13تناول كافة الخاص بك المصرفية وربما حتى تلتقط تاريخاً لليلة السبت0:17وقد أصبحت الإنترنت جزءا لا يتجزأ من حياتنا اليومية في الجديدة0:22على حد سواء في المنزل وفي مكان العمل والتطور السريع لشبكة الإنترنت زيادة0:26معززة بسمك الحفش مذهلة عدد مستخدمي شبكة الإنترنت0:30لديك اتصال إنترنت عالي السرعة بكبل ADSL0:34وهذا يؤدي إلى عدد متزايد من الناس الذين هم بشكل مستمر0:38على الإنترنت شبكة الإنترنت في الواقع فتحت عالم إمكانيات غير محدودة0:44وهذا يوجه أيضا عددا متزايداً من القطارات0:47ليس فقط الاستخدام السليم للإنترنت يتزايد إساءة استعمال0:51والمسيئة المتوسطة كما ينمو بمعدل ينذر بالخطر0:54وهناك عدد لا يحصى من الفيروسات والبرامج الدودية التي تستخدم النص الأخير0:59شق طريقهم إلى جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك أنهم كثيرا ما ندخل تي Simon PC01:04لك حتى دون معرفة أن هناك01:07ولكن مرة واحدة وكان فعلا في جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك01:09أنها يمكن أن تعيث فساداً وتعكس تدمير01:12جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك مثل لك منزل الضيوف غير المرغوب فيها يمكن أن اقتحام منزل في الخاص بك01:17جهاز الكمبيوتر01:17في أي وقت وفي أي شكل من الأشكال دون يمكنك غالباً قائلا حتى يلاحظ لهم أوه قبالة01:25من01:27% آه رسائل البريد الإلكتروني على سبيل المثال01:31يمكن أن توفر مدخل للبحث عن الفيروسات على اختراق صفقة الكمبيوتر الخاص بك ببساطة01:36تتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني مع ملحق أن1:39tax your interest curiosity gets the better of you1:42and you open the attachment and presto the virus barges in and has unlimited1:48access to every nook and cranny of your PC1:50these viruses are also expected spreading and multiply1:55by all the addresses the needs but the note on the only way that viruses get2:00into your PC2:01actually every time you visit a website or download free music or video2:06you can contaminate the cement dangers installations2:10dammit but viruses contain my BB much more they are so clever that the week2:17all this have a can't I mean around2:19they don't need your help all they need is your PC2:22and the rest takes place automatically worms2:26another group that nasty intruders cannot expect2:29devastating speed lands cleverly used the leaks in your computer programs2:34to the into your computer and mobile PCs connected even if you wanted2:39you could send storm2:43the Puma companies that they letting all kinda2:45unsavory characters to do with actually like to keep out2:49and if you could see them he would be horrified at the riff-raff that walk2:53straight through the door2:54yep like we said there listen to tunes2:58of all the intruders books3:01are without a doubt the most ruthless they install themselves on your computer3:05often with the aid of a virus will work home and3:09as it were hypnotize your computer from this moment on3:13you are the owner of a zombie PC3:1612 PC is infected with a bald3:19it becomes part of the many branch network a zombie PCs3:23all infected with the same boat a bot net3:26it annoying for you and dangerous brothers3:29a breeding ground for criminal offenses from one central point3:34just one malicious person can order all the parts in the network3:37to carry out the same task for example to paralyze the company's network a3:42website3:43and they sent more than 50 percent all the spam sent worldwide3:47the repercussions have been attacked by a network are obviously I meant3:51greater more effective and more damaging attack from an individual can see3:56so if you don't protect your computer again spot it can unwittingly take part4:01in a collective attack at this nature4:03and why all this is taking place you'd probably won't notice a thing4:08your PC will appear to operate normally behind the scenes it will be working4:12overtime to carry out all kinds4:14undesirable activities all have the speed to pretty discouraging picture4:20just when you were feeling so positive about the endless possibilities provided4:23by the internet and your computer4:26but the good news is that it's not as complicated as it sounds4:29you can secure your PC by following just four simple4:33rules who won install
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