was too rough" Jalal starts ranting finally Dr Zehr had to shake him to calm him down "Jalal, your wife is pregnant and she is having a miscarriage" Jalal looks surprised and shocked says "we did the home pregnancy test and it was negative" the doctor tells him "those kits are not very accurate, they are about 69% accurate, we did the blood test and I checked when she came in, it was positive" Jalal grabs his head lowers his gaze to the floor "since her pregnancy test was negative, she started taking her birth control pills, hai Allah, what have I done" Jo was rushed for an emergency D&C and discharged home with bed rest, pelvic rest instructions that afternoon. Jalal was more shaken with the experience than Jo. On their drive back home Jo sees a very tensed Jalal "Jalal, it's done, stop worrying" she tries to cool him down a bit. "Jodha" he sounded broken "what the hell have I done to you", he reached over and gripped her hands tightly, his voice was low, jaw clenched, Jo could not be strong anymore, tears start streaming down her face, Jalal pulls over ... his arms were around her, he pressed her face to his neck and whispers, "I'm sorry Jo, I feel guilty as hell" Jo hugs him back and whispers "don't be guilty, remember the doctor said this can happen in early pregnancy, I took birth control pills so the fault is equally mine, we lost our first baby, I lost a part of myself" she sobs as her body shudders violently, Jalal sobs silently as well, they sit in the car hugging each other crying silently for their loss. No words needed, Jalal starts the car and they drive home holding hands in silence