Major Steps in Quantitative Research
•Formulating and delimiting (defining) the problem.
➢The first step is to develop a research problem and research question.
➢In developing a research question to be studied, nurse researchers must consider:
•Its substantive dimensions (is this research question of theoretical or clinical significance?).
•Its methodologic dimensions (How can this question best be studied?).
•Its practical dimensions (Are adequate resources available to conduct a study?).
•Its ethical dimensions (Can this question be studied in a manner consistent with guidelines for the protection of subjects?).
Major Steps in Quantitative Research
•Reviewing the related literature.
➢A thorough literature review provides a foundation upon which to base new knowledge, and generally is conducted well before any data are collected in a quantitative study.
➢A familiarization with previous studies can also be useful in suggesting research topics or in identifying aspects of a problem about which more research is needed. Thus, a literature review sometimes precedes the explanation of the problem.