Walls et al. (2011) suggest a framework that considers
several factors that impact on traveller experiences, including
physical, human interaction and individual characteristics as
well as situational factors. According to this framework, traveller
experiences include extraordinary as well as daily routine
components, which range from exciting positive
experiences to unpleasant negative experiences. In addition,
a traveller’s individual characteristics and situational factors
determine the experience encountered (Prebensen et al.,
2013). Specific attributes that impact on tourist satisfaction
with a holiday destination are local culture and cuisine,
beaches and climate, cleanliness and accommodation, scenery
and historical sites, safety and easy access (Kozak,
2003; Yoon & Uysal, 2005; Alegre & Cladera, 2006; Alegre
& Garau, 2010). Overall, the Walls et al. (2011) framework
of customer experience suggests that attributes of the holiday
destination, human interaction factors and individual characteristics
may impact on levels of satisfaction or dissatisfaction
for traveller experiences