chapter 5: Part IV; Maltha declaration:
The revised WMA Malta Declaration on Hunger Strikes (2006)
Learning Objectives for this chapter are:
To understand why there was a need to revise the WMA 1991 Declaration of Malta on Hunger Strikes;
To present the revised WMA 2006 MALTA Declaration and its accompanying Background Paper and Glossary of terms;
To illustrate with more "case studies" different situations prison doctors can be confronted with in their work, and provide concrete examples of applicability of the revised Declaration.
the need for a revision of the 1991 WMA Declaration on Hunger Strikes
the difference between "artificial feeding" and "force-feeding
the ethical position on force-feeding
In the References :
The World Medical Journal "Background Paper" on the new 2006 WMA Declaration of Malta, and several articles on the issue of "force-feeding".
Estimated time for chapter IV:
A full reading and digestion of the new material should take around 40 minutes.