In cases of loans that are fully backed by bank deposits (with proper discharge), commercial pre-payments (margin) or securities issued and / or guaranteed or confirmed receivables from the Government of Oman, guarantees from local banks including the branches of foreign banks licensed by the Central Bank and overseas banks with a minimum long-term foreign currency credit rating of ‘A’ from international rating agencies, there is no need to make specific provisions. However, when the value of these collateral and / or the guarantees does not cover the classified amount fully, banks shall make cash provisions for the uncovered amount, on the basis of the underlying risk classification of the loans. Banks shall enforce such collateral and / or guarantees, in the event of default of the obligations, expeditiously for enhancing the asset quality. In cases where the banks take unduly long period in enforcing the collateral or guarantees, adequate provisions, on the basis of the risk classification, should back such loans.