Assignment #9
October 13th
P.E.I. fishermen hauled in as many lobsters this fall as they did last year — more, in some areas — and the P.E.I. Fishermen's Association is crediting the good weather.
The season, which began the first week of August, wrapped up Monday for 225 Island fishermen, who share the waters with nearly 500 from New Brunswick and a handful from Nova Scotia.
"The weather this year was unheard of," PEIFA president Craig Avery
Fishermen in both the spring and fall season saw better prices than the previous year.
The current price for smaller canner-size lobsters is $6.25 per pound, and $6.50 a pound for the larger market lobsters.
A 12-member Lobster Marketing Board will sit down in the coming weeks, Avery said, to put a marketing plan in place to spend the cent-per-pound levy collected from fishermen for the first time this season, expected to be in the range of $300,000.