KEY AND MARKING SCALE NB. PLEASE ACCEPT ANY OTHER APPROPRIATE ANSWER NOT MENTIONED IN THE KEY. I. COMPREHENSION ( 15 POINTS) ( Testees should not be penalised for grammar spelling or mistakes in the comprehension section ) A. Best answer (2 pts): b. An African ambitious woman B. TRUE OR FALSE WITH JUSTIFICATION: (3 pts: 1pt for each correct and justified answer) 1. T: Tererai lived without running water or electricity... 2. T: Tererai’s mother sold a cow, and neighbours sold goats to collect money... 3. F: ... never helped with the housework / He was a man!... C. WH QUESTIONS: (3pts: 1 pt for each correct answer) 1. She wanted them to stand up for ... / change their lives / and realise their dreams... 2. ...because he beat her / for beating her / ... 3. ... a doctoral degree D. PICK OUT: (2 pts: 1 pt each correct answer) 1. She attended only two terms (before she was forced to marry) .... 2. She tested negative E. WORD MEANING: ( 3 pts: 1 pt for each correct answer) 1. forced 2. nightmare 3. desperate F. PRONOUN REFERENCE: ( 2 pts: 1 pt for each correct answer) 1. her brothers 2. her (first) husband II. LANGUAGE (15 POINTS) A. BLANK FILLING: (1 pt: 0.5 for each correct answer) 1. find out 2. pick up B. GAP FILLING: (3 pts : 1 pt each correct answer) community - equal - rights C. VERB TENSE: (3 pts : 1 pt each correct answer) came - had visited/ visited - will have discovered D. SENTENCE REWRITING: (4 pts: 1 pt for each correct answer) 1. A school for disabled children was built (by a Moroccan association) 2. ... isn’t allowed/permitted/is forbidden/... 3. Youssef wanted to know if / whether Driss had enjoyed the party. 4. If only I had a DVD player/If only I could watch this film.. E. SENTENCE JOINING: (2 pts: 1 pt for each correct answer) 1. My brother came home early so as to watch the football match. 2. Although Jawad read the instructions carefully, he couldn’t .../ Jawad couldn’t .....although ... F. FUNCTIONS: (2 pts: 1pt for each appropriate response) III. WRITING (10 POINTS) The following criteria should be taken into consideration
Scores Scoring criteria (3 pts) Relevance of content to the tasks (2 pts) Paragraph and composition organisation (2 pts) Appropriateness and variety of vocabulary (2 pts) Accuracy of grammar (1 pt) Mechanics ( Spelling, punctuation, capitalization)