The MA in Critical Communication Studies explores the relationship between communication, media and literacy. The programme places particular emphasis on ongoing developments in communications and media (e.g. digitization, new forms of online storytelling, social media) and reflects on the implications of these for learning, understanding and identity.
How media construct and fashion social identities, how they shape history and inform public debate, how they teach us about religion and politics, science and sexuality, how they influence our understandings of self and society - and just as important, how we actively interpret, remake and sometimes resist media culture - are all questions which this programme seeks to address.
The programme is aimed at people working in (or aspiring to work in) areas which involve communication, who wish to reflect on the implications and processes of communications in contemporary society as well as develop the critical capacity to analyse media and culture in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world.
Candidates should normally have a good honours degree, although in exceptional cases a candidate without such a qualification will be considered for entry.