The aim of this series is to provide a scholarly forum for current theoretical andempirical issues in cognitive and perceptual development. As the twenty-first centurybegins, the field is no longer dominated by monolithic theories. Contemporaryexplanations build on the combined influences of biological, cultural, contextual andecological factors in well-defined research domains. In the field of cognitivedevelopment, cultural and situational factors are widely recognized as influencing theemergence and forms of reasoning in children. In perceptual development, the fieldhas moved beyond the opposition of ‘innate’ and ‘acquired’ to suggest a continuousrole for perception in the acquisition of knowledge. These approaches and issues willall be reflected in the series, which will also address such important research themesas the indissociable link between perception and action in the developing motorsystem, the relationship between perceptual and cognitive development and modernideas on the development of the brain, the significance of developmental processesthemselves, dynamic systems theory and contemporary work in the psychodynamictradition, especially as it relates to the foundations of self-knowledge.