Staff prepared a test that asked students to evaluate themselves on their use of
Habits of Mind (see Appendix 4 for example). Statements were created for the test
that reflected particular habits. One set of statements was developed for students
in grades one and two, who measured their success using a happy face, a sad face
and a face with a straight-line mouth. For grades three to six students, a different
set of statements was generated, and their measure of success was through the
words “Not Yet”, “Sometimes” and “Usually”. The grades three to six students also
had to give evidence substantiating their evaluations, answering the question “Why
do you feel that way?” The teacher read each of the statements and clarified the
students’ understanding of each one as they worked through the test. Students
were given the same test again in June.
Parents were informed of the Habits of Mind project through an insert in the
school’s September newsletter. Each month the chosen habit was featured in the
newsletter as well as in further discussion at the monthly parent meetings.
Parents were then given a Reflection Sheet at the end of May (see Appendix 4 for