On the basis of our results with the project to date, the following recommendations
have been developed for possible future action in Phase 2 of the project.
1. Prepare an at-home Habits of Mind program similar to a reading program
designed to promote family involvement.
2. Incorporate Habits of Mind on a daily basis by having a Habit of Mind Day, a
wonderment question with announcements or a problem board.
3. Continue with a Wonderment and Awe Fair, allowing the students to pick a
passion project and giving them class time to work on it.
4. Have a classroom display similar to “Wild About Habits of Mind” that
recognizes students who use Habits of Mind.
5. Evaluate the connection between Habits of Mind and the Robert Swartz
material, since the connection is strong and needs to be incorporated.
6. Promote the development of self-advocacy with the students by having them
identify what skills they need to develop a particular habit.
7. Try to develop a connection with another school that is using this program to
share ideas and resources.