At sundown that day, Aziz remembers that he promised to send ointment  ترجمة - At sundown that day, Aziz remembers that he promised to send ointment  العربية كيف أقول

At sundown that day, Aziz remembers

At sundown that day, Aziz remembers that he promised to send ointment over to the guesthouse to treat Fielding’s brother‑in‑law’s bee stings. Aziz procures some of Mohammed Latif’s ointment and decides to take it over himself, as an excuse for a ride.

Outside, the Procession of the God is about to begin. The two claimants to the Rajah’s throne, sensing that the Rajah might be dead, have arrived at the palace, but they make no moves toward the throne while the festival continues. Aziz runs into Godbole on the street and tells the professor the news about Fielding’s wife. Godbole, however, has known all along that Fielding married Stella Moore, not Adela Quested. Aziz refrains from getting angry with Godbole out of respect for the festival time.

Riding toward the guesthouse, Aziz becomes cynical when he notices the English visitors out in the guesthouse boat watching the Hindu festival from afar. Aziz resents this sightseeing, which he views as really a form of ruling or patrolling India. Aziz rides on to the guesthouse, which is guarded only by a sleeping sentry. He lets himself in and snoops around the rooms, finally finding and reading a letter from Heaslop to Fielding and a letter from Adela to Stella. Aziz resents the intimate tone of the letters.

Frustrated, Aziz strikes the piano in front of him. Hearing the noise, Ralph Moore comes in, startled. Aziz recovers from his surprise and briskly asks to see the Englishman’s bee stings. Ralph retreats from Aziz, saying that Aziz’s hands are unkind. Ralph asks why Aziz is treating him and the other English visitors so cruelly. Aziz mentions Adela, but the procession outside nears the jail, and an outburst of sorrow from the crowd distracts them both.

Aziz decides to leave and shakes Ralph’s hand absentmindedly. Aziz suddenly senses that Ralph is no longer afraid of him. Aziz asks Ralph if he can always tell when a stranger is his friend. Ralph says yes, he can. Aziz pronounces Ralph an Oriental, then shivers, remembering that he once said those exact words to Mrs. Moore in the mosque. Aziz is wary that a cycle is beginning again—the friendship of the mosque, followed by the horror of the caves. Aziz impulsively offers to take Ralph out on the water for a few minutes.

Once on the water, Aziz’s old hospitality returns, and he begins to speak colorfully about the Hindu celebration. Ralph points out what looks like the Rajah floating on the water. Aziz admits that he does not know what it is, though he suspects it is the image of the old Rajah, which can be seen from only one point on the water. Aziz suddenly feels more like the visitor than the guide.

Ralph asks Aziz to row to a vantage point closer to the Procession of the God, in which rockets and guns are being shot off. Aziz is afraid of disturbing the celebration, and indeed, Godbole catches sight of them and begins to wave his arms wildly. Suddenly, Aziz’s boat collides with Fielding’s boat. Stella throws herself toward Fielding, and then forward toward Aziz. All four of them fall into the warm, shallow water, just as the Hindu festival, in the water nearby, reaches its climax. Their bodies, the props of the Hindu ceremony, Ronny’s and Adela’s letters, and the oars all swirl together.

Summary: Chapter XXXVII

After the boating accident, Aziz and Fielding suddenly revert to their old friendship. They go for a ride in the jungles around Mau before Fielding’s departure. They know they will never see each other again.

During the ride, Aziz gives Fielding a letter for Adela, thanking her for her brave action at the trial. Fielding questions Aziz about Hinduism, reluctantly admitting that Stella and Ralph appear strangely drawn to the religion and to Mau. Aziz, impatient with talk of Hinduism, changes the subject to politics. Aziz and Fielding differ more politically than ever before, though they speak about their opinions with trust. Fielding now believes that the Empire is necessary, and he cares less about how polite it is. Aziz, however, hates the Empire. He predicts that India will become its own nation in the next generation, at which time he and Fielding might finally be friends. The two men embrace, and Fielding asks why they cannot be friends now, as they both seem to want it. But the land and sky themselves seem to arise between Fielding and Aziz, declaring, “No, not yet.”
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
At sundown that day, Aziz remembers that he promised to send ointment over to the guesthouse to treat Fielding’s brother‑in‑law’s bee stings. Aziz procures some of Mohammed Latif’s ointment and decides to take it over himself, as an excuse for a ride.Outside, the Procession of the God is about to begin. The two claimants to the Rajah’s throne, sensing that the Rajah might be dead, have arrived at the palace, but they make no moves toward the throne while the festival continues. Aziz runs into Godbole on the street and tells the professor the news about Fielding’s wife. Godbole, however, has known all along that Fielding married Stella Moore, not Adela Quested. Aziz refrains from getting angry with Godbole out of respect for the festival time.Riding toward the guesthouse, Aziz becomes cynical when he notices the English visitors out in the guesthouse boat watching the Hindu festival from afar. Aziz resents this sightseeing, which he views as really a form of ruling or patrolling India. Aziz rides on to the guesthouse, which is guarded only by a sleeping sentry. He lets himself in and snoops around the rooms, finally finding and reading a letter from Heaslop to Fielding and a letter from Adela to Stella. Aziz resents the intimate tone of the letters.Frustrated, Aziz strikes the piano in front of him. Hearing the noise, Ralph Moore comes in, startled. Aziz recovers from his surprise and briskly asks to see the Englishman’s bee stings. Ralph retreats from Aziz, saying that Aziz’s hands are unkind. Ralph asks why Aziz is treating him and the other English visitors so cruelly. Aziz mentions Adela, but the procession outside nears the jail, and an outburst of sorrow from the crowd distracts them both.Aziz decides to leave and shakes Ralph’s hand absentmindedly. Aziz suddenly senses that Ralph is no longer afraid of him. Aziz asks Ralph if he can always tell when a stranger is his friend. Ralph says yes, he can. Aziz pronounces Ralph an Oriental, then shivers, remembering that he once said those exact words to Mrs. Moore in the mosque. Aziz is wary that a cycle is beginning again—the friendship of the mosque, followed by the horror of the caves. Aziz impulsively offers to take Ralph out on the water for a few minutes.Once on the water, Aziz’s old hospitality returns, and he begins to speak colorfully about the Hindu celebration. Ralph points out what looks like the Rajah floating on the water. Aziz admits that he does not know what it is, though he suspects it is the image of the old Rajah, which can be seen from only one point on the water. Aziz suddenly feels more like the visitor than the guide.Ralph asks Aziz to row to a vantage point closer to the Procession of the God, in which rockets and guns are being shot off. Aziz is afraid of disturbing the celebration, and indeed, Godbole catches sight of them and begins to wave his arms wildly. Suddenly, Aziz’s boat collides with Fielding’s boat. Stella throws herself toward Fielding, and then forward toward Aziz. All four of them fall into the warm, shallow water, just as the Hindu festival, in the water nearby, reaches its climax. Their bodies, the props of the Hindu ceremony, Ronny’s and Adela’s letters, and the oars all swirl together.Summary: Chapter XXXVIIAfter the boating accident, Aziz and Fielding suddenly revert to their old friendship. They go for a ride in the jungles around Mau before Fielding’s departure. They know they will never see each other again.During the ride, Aziz gives Fielding a letter for Adela, thanking her for her brave action at the trial. Fielding questions Aziz about Hinduism, reluctantly admitting that Stella and Ralph appear strangely drawn to the religion and to Mau. Aziz, impatient with talk of Hinduism, changes the subject to politics. Aziz and Fielding differ more politically than ever before, though they speak about their opinions with trust. Fielding now believes that the Empire is necessary, and he cares less about how polite it is. Aziz, however, hates the Empire. He predicts that India will become its own nation in the next generation, at which time he and Fielding might finally be friends. The two men embrace, and Fielding asks why they cannot be friends now, as they both seem to want it. But the land and sky themselves seem to arise between Fielding and Aziz, declaring, “No, not yet.”
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
مع غروب شمس ذلك اليوم، عزيز يتذكر أنه وعد بإرسال مرهم لأكثر من دار الضيافة لعلاج فيلدينغ شقيق في القانون لسعات النحل. عزيز بشراء بعض مرهم محمد لطيف، ويقرر أن يأخذ هو على نفسه، كذريعة لركوب.

خارج، موكب من الله على وشك أن تبدأ. وقد وصلت المطالبين اثنين على عرش راجح، واستشعار أن راجح قد يكون ميتا، في القصر، لكنها تجعل أي تحركات نحو العرش بينما يستمر المهرجان. يدير العزيز إلى Godbole في الشارع ويقول الأستاذ أنباء عن زوجة فيلدينغس. Godbole، ومع ذلك، لم يعرف طوال الوقت أن فيلدينغ تزوج ستيلا مور، وليس أديلا مبحوث. عزيز يمتنع عن الغضب مع Godbole احتراما للمرة المهرجان.

ركوب نحو دار الضيافة، عزيز يصبح ساخرة عندما يلاحظ زوار الإنجليزية في القارب ضيافة مشاهدة مهرجان هندوسي من بعيد. عزيز يمقت هذا لمشاهدة معالم المدينة، والذي يعتبره حقا شكلا من أشكال الحكم أو القيام بدوريات الهند. عزيز يركب إلى دار الضيافة، الذي يخضع لحراسة فقط عن طريق خفير النوم. انه يتيح نفسه في ويتطفل حول الغرف، وإيجاد أخيرا وقراءة رسالة من Heaslop إلى فيلدينغ وبريد إلكتروني من أديلا إلى ستيلا. عزيز مستاءة من لهجة حميمة من الحروف.

بالاحباط، عزيز ضربات البيانو أمامه. سماع ضجيج، رالف مور تأتي في، الدهشة. عزيز يتعافى من دهشته وبخفة يسأل لرؤية سعات النحل الانكليزي ل. رالف يتراجع من العزيز، قائلا ان يديه العزيز هي قاس. رالف يسأل لماذا العزيز يعالجه وغيرهم من الزوار الانجليزية بوحشية. عزيز يذكر عادلة، ولكن الموكب خارج يقترب من السجن، وموجة من الحزن من الحشد يصرف لهم على حد سواء.

عزيز تقرر ترك ويهز يد رالف بذهول. عزيز يشعر فجأة أن رالف لم يعد يخاف منه. عزيز يسأل رالف إذا كان يمكن أن نقول دائما عند شخص غريب هو صديقه. يقول رالف نعم، يستطيع. عزيز يلفظ رالف والشرقية، ثم الرعشات، وتذكر أنه قال ذات مرة تلك الكلمات بالضبط إلى السيدة مور في المسجد. عزيز يشعرون بالقلق من أن دورة بدأت مرة أخرى-الصداقة المسجد، تليها الرعب من الكهوف. تقدم العزيز باندفاع لاتخاذ رالف على المياه لبضع دقائق.

مرة واحدة على الماء، وعوائد الضيافة القديمة العزيز، وأنه يبدأ الحديث ملون حول الاحتفال الهندوسي. يشير رالف الى ما يشبه راجح تطفو على الماء. عزيز يعترف بأنه لا يعرف ما هو عليه، على الرغم من انه يشتبه أنها صورة راجح القديم، وهو ما يمكن ملاحظته من نقطة واحدة فقط على الماء. عزيز يشعر فجأة أشبه الزوار من دليل.

رالف يسأل العزيز إلى صف إلى وجهة نظر أقرب إلى الموكب من الله، والتي الصواريخ والبنادق واطلاق النار عليه قبالة. عزيز يخاف من تعكير صفو الاحتفال، وبالفعل، Godbole أدرك البصر منهم ويبدأ في موجة ذراعيه بعنف. فجأة، وقارب العزيز يصطدم مع القارب فيلدينغس. ستيلا تلقي بنفسها نحو فيلدينغ، ومن ثم إلى الأمام نحو العزيز. كل أربعة منهم الوقوع في المياه الضحلة الدافئة، كما أن المهرجان الهندوسي، في المياه القريبة، ويصل ذروته. أجسادهم، والدعائم الحفل الهندوسية، وخطابات روني ووعادلة، والمجاذيف عباب كل ذلك معا.


الفصل السابع والثلاثون بعد حادث ركوب الزوارق، وعزيز وفيلدينغ تعود فجأة لصداقتهما القديمة. يذهبون لركوب في الادغال حول ماو قبل المغادرة فيلدينغس. أنهم يعرفون أنهم لن نرى بعضنا البعض مرة أخرى.

أثناء ركوب عزيز يعطي فيلدينغ بريد إلكتروني لعديلة، شاكرا لها بالنسبة لها عمل شجاع في المحاكمة. الأسئلة ينزل العزيز عن الهندوسية، واعترف على مضض أن ستيلا ورالف تبدو مرسومة بشكل غريب للدين وماو. العزيز، والصبر مع الحديث عن الهندوسية، تغيير الموضوع إلى السياسة. عزيز وفيلدينغ تختلف سياسيا من أي وقت مضى، على الرغم من أنها تتحدث عن آرائهم مع الثقة. إيفاد الآن يعتقد أن الإمبراطورية غير الضرورية، وأنه يهتم أقل حول كيفية مهذبا هو عليه. العزيز، ومع ذلك، يكره الإمبراطورية. ويتوقع أن الهند ستصبح دولة خاصة به في الجيل القادم، في الوقت الذي وفيلدينغ قد يكون في النهاية الأصدقاء. الرجلين احتضان، وفيلدينغ يسأل لماذا لا يمكن أن يكونوا أصدقاء الآن، لأن كلا منهما يبدو أنها تريد ذلك. ولكن الأرض والسماء تبدو أنفسهم أن تنشأ بين فيلدينغ وعزيز، معلنا: "لا، ليس بعد."
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