Prophet Ibrahim confronted Isma'il with a repeated dream he had. Isma'il was nine at the time. They both decided that the dream meant that Allah was asking Ibrahim to sacrifice Isma'il. Isma'il having such strong faith in Allah said that if this was Allah's will then they must not obey. Isma'il and his father traveled to Mina to perform their sacrifice. Ibrahim laid Isma'il down on the ground, with his arms and legs tied. He crouched over his son. Sorrow filled his heart. He placed the knife at the throat of Isma'il. As soon as he did this the angel Jibril appeared and told him that Allah was pleased at the depth of their devotion. They we're willing to make this ultimate sacrifice to please him. A lamb appeared to be sacrificed in the place of Isma'il. Jibril also announced the birth of Ishaq, to Sarah. Sarah was in her olden age by then and Ibrahim had turned Ninety-nine.