So i need you to use the funds to help the poor. I know this is hard, and it take a very strong heart to get this done, but you should keep this saying in your heart, I am like Moses in the Bible. He came to the Red Sea and Pharaoh behind him and no way to turn but God delivered him all by a miraculous deliverance. It will be a miracle from God to be able to help all the dear people God has laid on our hearts. This is why with God in my heart, I contact you and i want you to contact me, so we be in contact with all the poor souls out there. Give new lives, hopes and days. I have come to find out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity and i hope you will agree with this also. I will be praying hard that Satan will not stop this effort. Do get back to me and i will tell you more of what you wish to know. I await your response as soon as you get my message. God bless you