Lothar Hirneise, author of Chemotherapy Heals
Cancer and the Earth is Flat, in addition to
providing an extensive compendium of factual
information and resources regarding conventional
and alternative cancer treatments, also succeeds
in conveying the type of urgent advice
desperately required but tragically not provided
which could be an invaluable life-saver for each
newly diagnosed cancer patient about to undergo
treatment. His strategy and advice, based on
some 20 years’ of experience is for the individual
and their carer to question and confirm the
diagnosis, to rigorously research the suggested
treatment protocols and their outcomes, as well
as to adopt a truly life-building programme built
upon all the elements which he has called the 3E
Program - including detoxification and elimination
healthy nutrition, introspective life-examination,
discovery of joy and fun, goal determination and
visualization of the desired future.
In this heavy tome - >750 pages - book, the
author describes 46 conventional cancer
therapies, and 64 non-conventional therapies.
The conventional therapies section - nearly 300
pages - provides an A to Z of some 45 cancers,
from acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL) through to
urinary and uterine cancers - outlining each
cancer’s allopathic definition, incidence, stages,
how it is diagnosed and conventional treatments
provided, i.e. surgery, chemotherapy, radiation,
hormones. Included within each section are the
types of chemotherapy used, evidence for
survival advantage, radiotherapy with comments
regarding these treatments and the research
regarding outcomes.
The 3E Program is described: The F irst E - Eat
Healthy; The Second E - Eliminate Toxins ; The
Third E - Energy . The Third E, which alone
occupies 100 pages in the book, provides
comprehensive indeed soul-searching exercises
and questionnaires exploring what you like about
yourself and your life, your strengths,
weaknesses, important people and events at
different stages in your life, your guiding
principles. This section includes ingenious
devices designed to shine a light at what we
really like to do, what brings us joy, culminating
in drafting and signing a Tumour Contract which
designates the execution of changes to our life
at prescribed intervals. Powerful and ingenious
exercises are described about how we view and
act and speak in our daily life and visualizations
to create the future we wish to happen.
The 3E-program is based on the evaluation of
the clinical histories of thousands of people who
have survived cancer at a very late stage. This
evaluation emphasizes how important the diet
and detoxification is, in addition to each person’s
self-empowerment actions to change their life.
Lothar Hirneise studied with and wrote a book
with Dr Johanna Budwig Cancer - the Problem and
the Solution and teaches the oil-protein diet for
cancer patients based on Dr Budwig’s scientific
Non-Conventional Cancer Therapies - about 65
diverse alternative therapies - occupy some 200
pages of the book. I am familiar with quite a few
of the diets and therapies mentioned, including
Budwig, Gerson, Macrobiotic, Dries, Hulda Clark,
Hoxsey, Mistletoe, Essiac, Homeopathy, Vitamins,
Oxygen and Ozone; however I was unfamiliar
with others such as Dr Paul Gerhard Seeger,
PapImi Therapy, Govallo’s VG 1000, Issels,
Livingston, Moermann and many others, a
testament to the more than 100 years of
successful suppression of alternative cancer
Lothar Hirneise originally trained as a therapeutic
nurse, studied psychotherapy and was a master
in Eastern combat sports and Kung Fu teacher
prior to thoroughly researching and searching for
the most successful cancer therapies. This led
to the foundation of Menschen gegen Krebs in
1997, partly inspired by People Against Cancer,
founded by Frank Wiewelsince. Since 1997 he
has been on the Board of Krebs21, a former
research director of the National Foundation for
Alternative Medicine in Washington DC, Director
of 3E-center in Stuttgart-Buoch www.3e-
centre.com/ and author of this book:
Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and the World is Flat.
Lothar Hirneise questions and disputes several of
the ‘holy grail’ theories and practices of the
oncology professions - that cancers arise from
genetic mutations, that metastases are the
spreading of cancerous cells from the original
tumour, that killing cancer cells or removal of
cancerous tumours equates with cure of cancer.
In describing chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
two of the three legally available cancer
treatments to oncologists, he explains that the
toxic effects of these treatments are so severe
that they may damage the body as to render it
non-recoverable and non-amenable to holistic
biological therapies. Crucially, he explains how
research comparing survival / mortality from
chemotherapy doesn’t compare chemotherapy
with alternative cancer treatments, but one
chemotherapy toxic treatment with another
poison. The severe side effects of many
chemotherapeutic drugs are not secret and are
widely published and in the public domain; in
fact, cancer patients are required to provide
informed consent to their treatment. Side effects
of chemotherapy drugs are displayed in tables
over several pages in a recently published and
reviewed book Shattering the Cancer Myth - A
Positive Guide to Beating Cancer - 4th Edition .
It is quite difficult for a conventionally trained
scientist like myself to fully grasp the import and
ramifications of such a subversive message;
however in reviewing the past 20 years of
publication of hundreds of alternative cancer
articles in Positive Health PH Online I have been
astonished to ‘re-discover’ the sizeable archive
of published historical and clinical work with the
view of not treating the cancer as necessarily
the enemy, but looking rather to create the
conditions and environment in the body which
will not be conducive to cancer and indeed
enable cancer cells to be dispatched.
Positive Health PH Online was launched 20 years
ago in 1994 following the realization while
building the Cancer and Nutrition database for
the Bristol Cancer Help Centre that there was a
serious deficit in reliable and authoritative
information regarding natural / alternative /
complementary health approaches. Previous to
that I was privileged to be the lead author in the
Consensus Statement document Nutrition and
Life-style Guidelines for People with Cancer
published in Journal of Nutritional and
Environmental Medicine in 1994. Prior to this,
while researching and writing my books about
Organic Germanium, Vitamin C and Nutrition and
Cancer: Health State-of-the-Art I started to
amass what has grown to be a very sizeable
library covering every aspect of alternative
cancer treatments.
In view of the legal straitjackets which nominate
mainly 3 cancer treatment options - surgery,
chemotherapy and radiotherapy, cancer patients
are not informed of other treatment options and
are generally not permitted the time or means to
explore other options in the round. It is usually
only after patients have been through
conventional treatment, hopefully experienced
remission, but then recurrence, that they learn of
less draconian alternative treatment options.
Research is drastically needed to document and
quantify the efficacy of alternative cancer
treatments so that cancer patients and
oncologists can evaluate the best and least
harmful treatment options. It is to be hoped,
indeed envisaged, that progress toward a
complete understanding of cancer and
treatments which don’t kill its patients will be
realized in the not too distant future, as
statistics estimate that cancer prevalence is
reaching 1 in 3 people in the so-called developed
Despite the less than perfect English translation
from the German and that the book was
published in 2005, I regard this book as an
invaluable addition to my library, although I will
have to find the space for its bulging shelves.
The information and exercises in this book could
truly save your life or that of your patients /
loved ones who are diagnosed with cancer.
Boik J. Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy -
Promising Nontoxic Antitumor Agents from
Plants and Other Natural Sources. Oregon
Medical Press. ISBN 0-9648280-1-4. 2001.
Brueton D. Dancing with Cancer and how I learnt
a few new steps. John Hunt Publishing (O-
BOOKS). ISBN 978-1-78279-216-1. 2014.
Cameron E & Pauling L. Cancer and Vitamin C. A
Discussion of the Nature, Causes, Prevention and
Treatment of Cancer, with Special Reference to
the Value of Vitamin C. Linus Pauling Institute.
Campbell TC and Campbell TM II. The China
Study. Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss
and Long-Term Health. Benbella Books. ISBN 1
932100 660. 2005.
Chamberlain J. Cancer Recovery Guide and
Cancer the Complete Recovery Guide. Clairview.
ISBN 978-1-905570-14-0. 2008.
Ellis K. Shattering the Cancer Myth - A Positive
Guide to Beating Cancer - 4th Edition. Publicious
Self-Publishing; 4th edition. ISBN-10:
0987466941. 2013.
Epstein S. The Politics of Cancer Revisited. East
Ridge Press NY. 1998.
Gerson C with Bishop B. Healing The Gerson
Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic
Diseases. Totality Books. ISBN 0-9760186-0-8.
Goodman S, MacLaren J and Barker W. Nutrition
and Life-style Guidelines for People with Cancer.
Journal of Nutritional and Environmental
Medicine. Vol 4 No. 2: Pages 199-214. 1994.
Houston RG. 1987. Repression and Reform in the
Evaluation of Alternative Cancer Therapies. 1987.
Richards E. Vitamin C and Cancer: Medicine or
Politics? Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN-10:
0312052421. Jun 1991.
Woollams C. Everything you need to know to
help you beat cancer. Health Issues Ltd. 4th
edition. ISBN-10. 0956539114. 2012.
Woollams C. The Rainbow Diet. CANCERactive;
3rd edition. ISBN-10: 0956539130. 2013.
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
لوثار هيرنيسي، المؤلف من "يشفي العلاج الكيميائي"هو السرطان والأرض مسطحة، بالإضافة إلىتقديم خلاصة مستفيضة للوقائعالمعلومات والموارد المتعلقة بالتقليديةوعلاجات السرطان البديلة، كما نجحتفي نقل نوع المشورة العاجلةمطلوب يائسة ولكن مأساوية غير منصوصالتي يمكن أن تكون منقذ حياة لا تقدر بثمن لكل منهمامريض السرطان تم تشخيصها حديثا وشك الخضوعالعلاج. استراتيجيته والمشورة، على أساسحوالي 20 عاماً من الخبرة للفردوعلى مقدمي الرعاية للسؤال والتأكد منالتشخيص ودقة البحوث المقترحةبروتوكولات العلاج ونتائجها، فضلاوفيما يتعلق باعتماد برنامج لبناء الحياة حقاً بنيعلى جميع العناصر التي دعا 3Eالبرنامج-بما في ذلك إزالة السموم والقضاءالتغذية الصحية، الحياة-دراسة الاستقراء،اكتشاف من الفرح والمرح، وتحديد الهدف وتصور للمستقبل المنشود.هذا تومي الثقيلة--> صفحات 750-كتاب،ويصف المؤلف السرطان التقليدية 46العلاجات، والعلاجات غير التقليدية 64.قسم العلاجات التقليدية--ما يقرب من 300صفحات-توفر A إلى Z لبعض أنواع السرطان 45،من اللمفاوية اللوكيميا الحادة (جميع) عن طريق إلىسرطانات المسالك البولية والرحم-توجز كلتعريف الوباتشيك للسرطان، الإصابة، والمراحل،كيف يتم تشخيص والعلاجات التقليديةالمقدمة، أي الجراحة، والعلاج الكيميائي، الإشعاعي،الهرمونات. ضمن كل مقطعtypes of chemotherapy used, evidence forsurvival advantage, radiotherapy with commentsregarding these treatments and the researchregarding outcomes.The 3E Program is described: The F irst E - EatHealthy; The Second E - Eliminate Toxins ; TheThird E - Energy . The Third E, which aloneoccupies 100 pages in the book, providescomprehensive indeed soul-searching exercisesand questionnaires exploring what you like aboutyourself and your life, your strengths,weaknesses, important people and events atdifferent stages in your life, your guidingprinciples. This section includes ingeniousdevices designed to shine a light at what wereally like to do, what brings us joy, culminatingin drafting and signing a Tumour Contract whichdesignates the execution of changes to our lifeat prescribed intervals. Powerful and ingeniousexercises are described about how we view andact and speak in our daily life and visualizationsto create the future we wish to happen.The 3E-program is based on the evaluation ofthe clinical histories of thousands of people whohave survived cancer at a very late stage. Thisevaluation emphasizes how important the dietand detoxification is, in addition to each person’sself-empowerment actions to change their life.Lothar Hirneise studied with and wrote a bookwith Dr Johanna Budwig Cancer - the Problem andthe Solution and teaches the oil-protein diet forcancer patients based on Dr Budwig’s scientificdocuments.Non-Conventional Cancer Therapies - about 65diverse alternative therapies - occupy some 200pages of the book. I am familiar with quite a fewof the diets and therapies mentioned, includingBudwig, Gerson, Macrobiotic, Dries, Hulda Clark,Hoxsey, Mistletoe, Essiac, Homeopathy, Vitamins,Oxygen and Ozone; however I was unfamiliarwith others such as Dr Paul Gerhard Seeger,PapImi Therapy, Govallo’s VG 1000, Issels,Livingston, Moermann and many others, atestament to the more than 100 years ofsuccessful suppression of alternative cancertreatments.Lothar Hirneise originally trained as a therapeuticnurse, studied psychotherapy and was a masterin Eastern combat sports and Kung Fu teacherprior to thoroughly researching and searching forthe most successful cancer therapies. This ledto the foundation of Menschen gegen Krebs in1997, partly inspired by People Against Cancer,founded by Frank Wiewelsince. Since 1997 hehas been on the Board of Krebs21, a formerresearch director of the National Foundation forAlternative Medicine in Washington DC, Directorof 3E-center in Stuttgart-Buoch www.3e-centre.com/ and author of this book:Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and the World is Flat.Lothar Hirneise questions and disputes several ofthe ‘holy grail’ theories and practices of theoncology professions - that cancers arise fromgenetic mutations, that metastases are thespreading of cancerous cells from the originaltumour, that killing cancer cells or removal ofcancerous tumours equates with cure of cancer.In describing chemotherapy and radiotherapy,two of the three legally available cancertreatments to oncologists, he explains that thetoxic effects of these treatments are so severethat they may damage the body as to render itnon-recoverable and non-amenable to holisticbiological therapies. Crucially, he explains howresearch comparing survival / mortality fromchemotherapy doesn’t compare chemotherapywith alternative cancer treatments, but onechemotherapy toxic treatment with anotherpoison. The severe side effects of manychemotherapeutic drugs are not secret and arewidely published and in the public domain; infact, cancer patients are required to provideinformed consent to their treatment. Side effectsof chemotherapy drugs are displayed in tablesover several pages in a recently published andreviewed book Shattering the Cancer Myth - APositive Guide to Beating Cancer - 4th Edition .It is quite difficult for a conventionally trainedscientist like myself to fully grasp the import andramifications of such a subversive message;however in reviewing the past 20 years ofpublication of hundreds of alternative cancerarticles in Positive Health PH Online I have beenastonished to ‘re-discover’ the sizeable archiveof published historical and clinical work with theview of not treating the cancer as necessarilyالعدو، بل تتطلع إلى إنشاءالظروف والبيئة في الهيئة التيلن تؤدي إلى السرطان، وفي الواقعتمكين الخلايا السرطانية التي سيتم إرسالها.الإيجابية "الصحية الأس الهيدروجيني على شبكة الإنترنت" أطلق 20 سنةفي عام 1994 عقب الأعمال بينما قبلبناء قاعدة بيانات للسرطان والتغذيةبريستول السرطان يساعد المركز أن هناكالعجز الخطير في موثوقة وموثوقةمعلومات بشأن الطبيعية/البديل/نهج الصحة التكميلية. السابقة إلىأن كان لي شرف أن يكون صاحب البلاغ الرائدة فيتوافق الآراء بيان الوثيقة التغذية والمبادئ التوجيهية لأسلوب الحياة للناس المصابين بالسرطانونشرت في "مجلة التغذية" والطب البيئية في عام 1994. وقبل ذلك،أثناء البحث والكتابة كتبي حولالجرمانيوم العضوي، وفيتامين (ج) والتغذية والسرطان: الصحة الدولة-من-الفن بدأت فيتجميع ما نمت لتصبح كبيرة جداًمكتبة تغطي كل جانب من جوانب البديلعلاجات السرطان.وبالنظر إلى القيود القانونية التي ترشحخيارات العلاج من السرطان أساسا 3-الجراحة،العلاج الكيميائي والعلاج الإشعاعي، مرضى السرطانليسوا على علم من غيرها من خيارات العلاج وعموما لا يسمح الوقت أو وسائلاستكشاف خيارات أخرى في الجولة. عادة ما يكونفقط بعد أن كان المرضى من خلالالعلاج التقليدي، نأمل من ذوي الخبرةغفران، ولكن بعد تكرار، أن يتعلمون منخيارات العلاج البديلة أقل شديدة القسوة.البحث مطلوب جذريا للوثيقة وقياس فعالية السرطان البديلةالعلاجات حيث أن مرضى السرطان والأورام يمكن تقييم الأفضل وأقلخيارات العلاج الضارة. فمن المأمول فيه،المتوخاة في الواقع، أن التقدم نحوفهم كامل للسرطان ووسوف تكون العلاجات التي لا تقتل المرضىيتحقق في المستقبل غير البعيد جداً، كماوتقدر الإحصاءات أن معدل انتشار السرطانتصل إلى 1 في 3 أشخاص في ما يسمى بالبلدان المتقدمة النموالعالم.وعلى الرغم من الأقل من مثالية الترجمة الإنجليزيةمن الألمانية، وأن كان الكتابونشرت في عام 2005، واعتبر هذا الكتابلا تقدر بثمن بالإضافة إلى المكتبة الخاصة بي، على الرغم من أنني سوفأن تجد في الفضاء الرفوف انتفاخ.يمكن للمعلومات والتدريبات في هذا الكتابحقاً إنقاذ حياتك أو من المرضى الخاص بك/الأحباء الذين يتم تشخيص مرض السرطان.ثبت المراجعمركبات بويك J. الطبيعية في علاج السرطان-وكلاء انتيتومور غير سام واعدة منالنباتات وغيرها من المصادر الطبيعية. ولاية أوريغونالصحافة الطبية. ISBN 0-9648280-1-4. 2001.بروتون دال الرقص مع السرطان وكيف تعلمتبضع خطوات جديدة. نشر جون هانت (O-الكتب). ISBN 978-1-78279-216-1. 2014.سرطان لام ه Cameron & بولينج وفيتامين جيم-Aمناقشة منع الطبيعة، الأسباب، وعلاج السرطان، مع الإشارة بوجه خاص إلىقيمة فيتامين جيم معهد لينوس بولينج.1979.Campbell TC و Campbell الثاني TM. أن الصينالدراسة. آثار مذهلة بالنسبة للنظام الغذائي، وفقدان الوزنوالصحة على المدى الطويل. كتب بينبيلا. ISBN 1932100 660. 2005.دليل الانتعاش السرطان ياء تشامبرلين وسرطان دليل الانتعاش الكامل. كلايرفيو.ISBN 978-1-905570-14-0. 2008.أليس ك. تحطيم أسطورة السرطان-إيجابيدليل للسرطان الضرب--الطبعة 4. بوبليسيوسالنشر الذاتي؛ الطبعة الرابعة. ردمك-10:0987466941-2013.ابشتاين س. سياسة السرطان إعادة النظر فيها. الشرقريدج الصحافة نيويورك. 1998.ج جيرسون مع الأسقف باء الشفاء جيرسونالطريقة: هزيمة السرطان وأخرى مزمنةالأمراض. مجموع الكتب. ISBN 0-9760186-0-8.2007.غودمان S، ماكلارن ي والتغذية الأمريكي باركروالمبادئ التوجيهية لأسلوب الحياة للناس المصابين بالسرطان.مجلة التغذوية والبيئيةالطب. رقم 2 من المجلد 4: صفحات 199-214. 1994.http://informahealthcare.com/doi/ref/10.3109/13590849409034555هيوستن النمو الحقيقي. 1987-القمع والإصلاح فيتقييم علاجات السرطان البديلة. 1987.فيتامين هاء (ج) ريتشاردز والسرطان: الطب أوالسياسة؟ بالغريف ماكميلان. ردمك-10:0312052421-يونيو 1991.كل شيء وولامس جيم تحتاج إلى معرفتهتساعدك في التغلب على السرطان. المحدودة لقضايا الصحة 4طبعة. ردمك-10. 0956539114-2012.جيم وولامس النظام الغذائي قوس قزح. كانسيراكتيفي؛الطبعة الثالثة. ردمك-10: 0956539130. 2013.
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