Farewell friendswhen then bid farewell to the love of murdered as a me ترجمة - Farewell friendswhen then bid farewell to the love of murdered as a me الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Farewell friendswhen then bid farew

Farewell friends
when then bid farewell to the love of murdered as a means to express what their emotions only crying and shedding tears and hearts deposit some of the recent separation of murdered only run and Dianne tears when we bid farewell to our beloved Nodahm hope to interview again Nodahm has turned all our excitement of meeting the endless grief we have set in our hearts and here .. When Nodahm old tape our memories remember the days when the ***t got together for the first time when they began to smile more Belcahm But what solution we solution farewell Vajberna ourselves on the farewell there were no other ways ... Kallel evident fondness Black ornamented with the stars here stopped and started complained Hmomi Perhaps the night demonstrated to me the night and morning came .. Brightened by the sun and sent those golden rays to the X-Ashaartne that I can overcome this grief X gold me hopeful vision Ahbti after separated from those shedding tears after realizing the vision Ahbti after it separated from anything that made life impossible goal to Your Rabbi Arzqani victims of Ahbti new wished to continue, but a time for the stronger
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
farewell friends
when then bid farewell to the love of murdered as a means to express what their emotions only crying and shedding tears and hearts deposit some of the recent separation of murdered only run and dianne tears when we bid farewell to our beloved nodahm hope to interview again nodahm has turned all our excitement of meeting the endless grief we have set in our hearts and here ..when nodahm old tape our memories remember the days when the *** t got together for the first time when they began to smile more belcahm but what solution we solution farewell vajberna ourselves on the farewell there were no other ways ...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Farewell friends
when then bid farewell to the love of murdered as a means to express what their emotions only crying and shedding tears and hearts deposit some of the recent separation of murdered only run and Dianne tears when we bid farewell to our beloved Nodahm hope to interview again Nodahm has turned all our excitement of meeting the endless grief we have set in our hearts and here .. When Nodahm old tape our memories remember the days when the ***t got together for the first time when they began to smile more Belcahm But what solution we solution farewell Vajberna ourselves on the farewell there were no other ways ... Kallel evident fondness Black ornamented with the stars here stopped and started complained Hmomi Perhaps the night demonstrated to me the night and morning came .. Brightened by the sun and sent those golden rays to the X-Ashaartne that I can overcome this grief X gold me hopeful vision Ahbti after separated from those shedding tears after realizing the vision Ahbti after it separated from anything that made life impossible goal to Your Rabbi Arzqani victims of Ahbti new wished to continue, but a time for the stronger
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
farewell friends
when THENs bid farewell to the love of murdered as a means to express what their emotions only crying and shedding tears and ♥Gray deposit some of the recent separation of murdered only run and Dianne tears when we bid farewell to our beloved nodahm hope to interview again nodahm has turned all our excitement of meeting the the endless grief we have set in our ♥Gray and marked "..When nodahm old tape our memories remember the days when the *** T got together for the first time when presents a stellar began to smile more belcahm but what solution we solution farewell vajberna Kurdistan PKK on the farewell there were no other ways ...kallel evident fondness black ornamented with the stars marked "stopped and started complained hmomi perhaps the night demonstrated to me the night and morning came ..brightened by the sun and sent heading above golden rays to the X-ashaartne that I can overcome this grief X gold me hopeful vision ahbti after separated from heading above shedding tears after realizing the vision ahbti after it separated from anything that made life impossible Action contre la faim TO YOUR rabbi arzqani victims of ahbti New wished to continue, but a time for the stronger
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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