The person I admire most is my secondary school N English teacher, Mr Nabil. He taught me in my final years and before him, had no interest in English However, when I finished school, it was my favourite subject Mr Nabil was serious and quite strict, but he also had a wonderful sense of humour The thing I really remember about him is his enthusiasm for the subject. This rubbed off on nearly all his students because he motivated them to become interested, too. As for myself, Mr Nabil had a lasting effect on me. He was the main reason I chose to continue my studies in English. He helped me choose the best university what wanted to study. He also made me believe in myself and now I'm confident that one day I'll fulfil my dream of becoming a teacher I'll never forget Mr Nabil l'm glad that he still teaches at my old school, and I hope that the students he teaches now appreciate him as much as I did.