إعادة توجيه: Updates and status- Con Call MoM
Said Elshnnawy
اليوم الساعة 4:14 م
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----- الرسالة التي أعيد توجيهها -----
من: Sufian Barakat
إلى: hussein sabry. abdel azeem ; Osama Salem
نسخة كربونية: Thani Mubarak Al Dhaheri ; Hashem Al Mansoori ; abdelaal arafa ; SaidElshnnawy ; Mona gamal ; Salah Ismail ; M.Hafez ; "hanymzay@hotmail.com" ; Mostafa Al Asar ; Ahmed Fathi Eid ; Ayman Gamal ; Amr Elsaid ; Ahmed Sami
تاريخ الإرسال: الخميس 30 أبريل، 2015 2:02 م
الموضوع: RE: Updates and status- Con Call MoM
Greetings Eng. Hussain and all,
As a follow up of yesterday’s call.
ENPPI confirmed they are progressing with their RFQ and vendors and conveyed the additional information on OPC to Honewyll/Emerson. Hopefully we can get their quotation and EMC offer by end of next week.
Considering the main action of yesterday’s call was to get together in Cairo for a workshop and presentation to EGPC summarizing the business processes, order management, data flow, technical infrastructure, solution, …. We have a lot of content already but we are looking at this meeting as a deal closing meeting.
I will be able to get the whole team to have the meeting on next Tuesday and Wednesday (May 5th & 6th ). I will send the meeting Agenda soon. Thanks
Best Regards
From: Sufian Barakat
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 12:55 PM
To: 'Osama Salem'
Cc: Thani Mubarak Al Dhaheri; Hashem Al Mansoori; 'abdelaal arafa'; 'SaidElshnnawy'; 'Mona gamal'; 'Salah Ismail'; 'M.Hafez'; 'hanymzay@hotmail.com'; 'Mostafa Al Asar'; 'hussein sabry. abdel azeem'; 'Ahmed Fathi Eid'; 'Ayman Gamal'; 'Amr Elsaid'; 'Ahmed Sami'
Subject: RE: Updates and status- Con Call MoM
Dear Eng. Osama,
Kindly find below the Summary of the discussion points with the conference call meeting we had yesterday as follows:
1. Terminal order handling (i.e., scheduling, dispatching) and flow computer setting will be done manually, but the flow computer loading measurement will be automatically monitored from the OPC server. The measurement will relayed to the Main Control Center (MCC) for monitoring and daily reconciliation.
Eng. Osama advised that we need to document the overall workflow in our proposal.
2. The manual interactions from sites to the Main Control Platform (MCP) will be done through a simple interface such as file transfer or web interface.
3. The instrument vendor, flow computer or tank gauging vendor, should supply the RTU (or a dedicated equipment) and the field network to control the multiple instruments installed in the field. ENPPI to supply these as part of their scope.
4. The measurements from these instruments will be retrieved from the MCC using OPC/UA protocol through an OPC server. The OPC server shall be procured by ENPPI and would include the workstation and appliance - if required. The selected instrument Vendor shall recommend the OPC server (i.e., software or appliance) interoperable with the deployed RTU. SIM International also to provide the interoperability requirements for the SAP component at the head end and interacting with the OPC servers at different terminal.
5. The Tank farm and loading terminal system will share the same internet gateway. The communication will be based on GPRS or 3G. These wireless gateway system will be outdoor and rugged enclosure. The wireless gateway will be powered by PoE from the local Ethernet switch used for the terminal workstations supplied by the instrument vendor. This local switch with other supplied equipment should be installed in locked wall cabinet.
SIM International to contract Mobile Network Operator for M2M plan and recommended wireless gateway. Also SIM Intl to cover the installation of wireless Gateway as part of its scope of supply.
We are assuming that a cabinet will provided as part of the local switch and RTU controlling the multiple instruments installed in the terminal and tank farm.
It is also assumed that Tank farm and Terminal will be within the same facility. And, the two systems (Tank gauging system and Terminal Flow computer) connected using the same gateway.
6. It was confirmed by Eng. Osama that ENPPi will engage the selected vendors for the professional services required to deploy all procured equipment’s including instruments, RTU, OPC server, and anything that comes with it.
7. Eng. Osama confirmed that various discussions happened with SAM MISR. Scope of SAM MISR is clearly identified to them.
We need ENPPI to provide a document summarizing ENPPI’s scope of work.
8. Eng. Osama advised that SIM Intl should confirm to EGPC that the locations in scope including number of terminals, tanks, stations.
Another conference call shall happen today to go through minutes, confirm everything and cover any last minute discussion points.
Thank you & Best Regards
From: Sufian Barakat
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 12:48 PM
To: 'Osama Salem'
Cc: Thani Mubarak Al Dhaheri; Hashem Al Mansoori; abdelaal arafa; SaidElshnnawy; Mona gamal; Salah Ismail; M.Hafez; hanymzay@hotmail.com; Mostafa Al Asar; hussein sabry. abdel azeem; Ahmed Fathi Eid; Ayman Gamal; Amr Elsaid; Ahmed Sami
Subject: RE: Updates and status- OPC interoperability requirements
Dear Eng. Osama,
I hope my email finds you well.
Thank you for your help and efforts and in line with our established approach, it has been decided to provide you with the interoperability requirements for the OPC server that ENPPi is going to procure as an amendment while we hope that this revision won’t affect major delay in receiving your offer.
The Main Control Platform solution is expected to interface with an OPC server that conforms to version 1.0 of the OPC UA specification. For information, SAP Plant Connectivity (PCo) version 15.0 is expected in the solution and this SAP PCo version is known to communicated with the following methods:
· OPC Data Access 2.05a or 3.0
· OPC Alarms and Events 1.10
· OPC Historical Data Access 1.20
· OPC Unified Architecture (1.00 build 235.0 )
Note: The OPC Foundation’s Certification Program ensures that products meet OPC Foundation requirements for interoperability, reliability and minimum performance.
Please use the following link to ensure that the product select match compatible version of OPC UA specification (i.e., OPC Data Access and OPC Alarms and Events)
the above information will be required as part of your current tendering process.
Best Regards
From: Osama Salem [mailto:OSAMA-SALEM@enppi.com]
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 3:44 PM
To: Sufian Barakat
Cc: Thani Mubarak Al Dhaheri; Hashem Al Mansoori; abdelaal arafa; SaidElshnnawy; Mona gamal; Salah Ismail; M.Hafez; hanymzay@hotmail.com; Mostafa Al Asar; hussein sabry. abdel azeem; Ahmed Fathi Eid; Ayman Gamal; Amr Elsaid; Ahmed Sami
Subject: RE: Updates and status-quo after the last Egypt VISIT
Dear Eng. Sufian,
Thanks for your email below, I tried to call you last Monday 20/4/2015 with no answer to brief what was agreed with Dr. Nasser conference call and SAN MASR meeting and to discuss project outlines.
Kindly note that Dr. Ahmed Samy is the Instrument lead engineer for this project, he is fully aware about the project scope including all integration required and a proper hand over has been done between us.
I just wanted to highlight that the scope released by Enppi RFQ’s is including only the automatic tank gauging and the loading arm metering, and we discarded the terminal automation software TAS as agreed during my conference call with Dr. Nasser Idirene on Monday 13/4/2015 to minimize the cost in this area and to simplify the technical solution, and regarding to the integration that will be required between the automatic tank gauging and the loading arm metering no dedicated server will be required, it will be direct integrated to the S.A.P work station supplied by SIM International in each terminal using the industrial protocol which will be advised by S.A.P specialist, this integration approach is same as the one that will be followed in the retail stations.
This terminal S.A.P work station (as agreed with S.A.P specialist) shall have a standalone software (not a web client application), to generate the electronic job orders and the transactions even if the communication may be lost with the main S.A.P server.
I think the conference call today will clear all misunderstandings in the integration scope, meanwhile I will be available next week in Abu Dhabi.
Osama Salem
(+2) 02 2276 2768
(+971) 26333173
(+2) 02 2274 4382
(+971) 26333183
(+2) 0100 2444420
(+971) 564501037
From: Sufian Barakat [mailto:sufian.barakat@eai.ae]
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 11:43 AM
To: hussein sabry. abdel azeem; Ahmed Fathi Eid; Ayman Gamal; Amr Elsaid
Cc: Thani Mubarak Al Dhaheri; Hashem Al Mansoori; abdelaal arafa; SaidElshnnawy; Mona gamal; Osama Salem; Salah Ismail; M.Hafez; hanymzay@hotmail.com; Mostafa Al Asar
Subject: Updates and status-quo after the last Egypt VISIT
Dear Eng Hussain
This email as a follow up of our last visit last week.
EMC and ENPPI progressed the