The study shows that there is a lack of collaborative environment between various project
stakeholders. Although the use of BIM has proven to be an effective tool, the success of
collaboration can only be achieved with strong client leadership, trust and shared risk and
rewards. However, local culture and contractual frameworks were found to be a major hurdle
in achieving this aim. Client�s Legal Department can create and approve new type of contracts
with the assistance of specially created BIM Office and Project Department. Client can take
the driving seat by setting up a client committee to continuously review and monitor the project
progress and to ensure that the proposed client�s requirements, plans and BIM strategy are
accommodated in the project brief. With the presence of BIM, identifying BIM capabilities at
early stage of the project are very important where the existence BIM management services
were found to add a significant value to the successful implementation of BIM/IPD. Based on
the University of Salford�s process protocol, this research produced a seven-phase process
protocol, starting from strategy setting to operation (FM), to help client organisations to
successfully adopt BIM/IPD. The process protocol is found to be the easiest tool, among
others, to communicate the various roles and responsibilities to project stakeholders and
ensures a strong client leadership is exercised throughout the design and construction