know it? what you thought i will keep bearing like other girls, you misunderstood me, i am not that weak, Ravi says you are misunderstanding, sit down, Devika says dont you dare to touch me again, what misunderstanding now? i was misunderstood earlier when i thought you are good person, when i thought you are my best friend but i was wrong, person like you cant be friend of anyone, Devika says how can you be a great friend? you are world’s biggest cheater and flirt, you cant be of anyone, i was fool to not see all this, your help at every step, you care for me, your stand for me in hurt times, you were doing all these for property and i thought you were my friend and i have got best friend for life, i was fool to trust you so much, Ravi says you are thinking wrong, i am same old friend who care for you and will keep caring, dont put false allegations on me, DEvika says so a good friend will do what you did with me? when you sat in mandap as my groom, you didnt think once that how i will feel when i know the truth, how much my family will be insulted? you were never my friend, you were always enemy to back stabbed me, Ravi says i know what i did, its way was wrong but i had to do it, i wanted to save you from Saket, Devika says enough, how much you will lie? i had to not protect myself from him but i had to protect myself from you, but i couldnt see your truth, i always believed you and what about Saket? that girl came in my sangeet and told that she was cousin, why you didnt tell truth that day? Ravi says i didnt have any proof that day, DEvika says what proof you have today that you took such a big step based on that proof? Ravi is stunned, she ask whatever it is, if you had proof or not but you could have told me, it was my marriage, you didnt tell me anything, Ravi says i didnt have time to tell anything, Devika says you took decision about our life and you didnt had time to talk? which trust you are talking about? i trusted you every single time, you could have told me truth, i would have believed you but you didnt do it, you sat at Saket’s place and married me with cheating, i was