Parmeet tells Amrit that he will take Sweetie home once his parents fo ترجمة - Parmeet tells Amrit that he will take Sweetie home once his parents fo العربية كيف أقول

Parmeet tells Amrit that he will ta

Parmeet tells Amrit that he will take Sweetie home once his parents forget their anger. Karan feels shy when Amrit asks Sweetie to find a good match for him. When Amrit asks Sweetie if Karan likes anybody, Karan asserts Sweetie is just trying to pull his leg and that he does not like anybody. Hetal refuses to accept her feelings for Karan when Mona asks her whether she likes him. Hetal tells Mona that she is not sure if Karan likes her too. Mona tells Hetal that she will go and ask Karan about his feelings for her. When Anukalp comes back from work, Bharti and Bijal taunt Anukalp. When Anukalp tries to talk to Bharti, she gets angry and goes away. Even Kalpesh misunderstands Anukalp. Anukalp tells Kalpesh that he is not running away from his responsibilities but is against the marriage as he thinks the match is not good for Hetal. Mona tries to pacify Anukalp. Later, Anukalp goes to Bharti and hands over his salary cheque to her. Anukalp makes her understand why he is against Hetal's marriage. He points out to Bharti that he is more concerned about Hetal than money. Seeing tears in Anukalp's eyes, Bharti's anger vanishes. Vimmi tells Mona that Amrit wants to get Karan married. Mona wonders if she will be able to know if Karan loves Hetal or not. When Bijal taunts Mona, Bharti defends her and tells everyone that she has full faith in her. Mona is happy to see Bharti's affection for her.

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
Parmeet tells Amrit that he will take Sweetie home once his parents forget their anger. Karan feels shy when Amrit asks Sweetie to find a good match for him. When Amrit asks Sweetie if Karan likes anybody, Karan asserts Sweetie is just trying to pull his leg and that he does not like anybody. Hetal refuses to accept her feelings for Karan when Mona asks her whether she likes him. Hetal tells Mona that she is not sure if Karan likes her too. Mona tells Hetal that she will go and ask Karan about his feelings for her. When Anukalp comes back from work, Bharti and Bijal taunt Anukalp. When Anukalp tries to talk to Bharti, she gets angry and goes away. Even Kalpesh misunderstands Anukalp. Anukalp tells Kalpesh that he is not running away from his responsibilities but is against the marriage as he thinks the match is not good for Hetal. Mona tries to pacify Anukalp. Later, Anukalp goes to Bharti and hands over his salary cheque to her. Anukalp makes her understand why he is against Hetal's marriage. He points out to Bharti that he is more concerned about Hetal than money. Seeing tears in Anukalp's eyes, Bharti's anger vanishes. Vimmi tells Mona that Amrit wants to get Karan married. Mona wonders if she will be able to know if Karan loves Hetal or not. When Bijal taunts Mona, Bharti defends her and tells everyone that she has full faith in her. Mona is happy to see Bharti's affection for her.تقي
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النتائج (العربية) 3:[نسخ]
parmeet يحكي عمريت التي سيأخذها حبيبتي البيت وبمجرد ان الآباء ينسون غضبهم.كاران يشعر بالخجل عندما يسأل عمريت عزيزتي العثور على مباراة جيدة بالنسبة له.عندما يسأل عمريت عزيزتي إذا كاران يحب أي شخص، ويؤكد كاران عزيزتي هي مجرد محاولة خدع وأنه لا يحب أحدهيتال ترفض قبول مشاعرها كاران عندما منى يطلب منها إذا كانت هي معجبه به.هيتال قالت منى إنها غير متأكدة من ان كاران معجب بها أيضاً.منى يقول هيتال الذي سوف تذهب و تسأل كاران عن مشاعره لها.عندما يأتي anukalp يعود من عمله بهارتي و التهكم بیجل anukalp.عندما anukalp يحاول التحدث إلى بهارتي انها يغضب ويذهب بعيدا.حتى kalpesh يسيء فهم anukalp.anukalp يقول kalpesh بأنه لا يهرب من مسؤولياته بل هي ضد الزواج كما انه يفكر في مباراة ليست جيدة هيتال.منى تحاول التقرب anukalp.في وقت لاحق، anukalp يذهب الى بهارتي وتسليم شيك راتبه لها.anukalp يجعلها تفهم لماذا هو ضد زواج هيتال.وأشار إلى أن بهارتي بأنه هو أكثر قلقا حول هيتال من المال.رؤية الدموع في عيون anukalp بهارتي يتلاشى الغضب.vimmi تروي منى أن عمريت يريد كاران متزوج.منى يتساءل ما إذا كانت سوف تكون قادرة على معرفة ما إذا كان يحب كاران هيتال أم لا.عندما بیجل يسخر منى، بهارتي يدافع عنها و يقول الجميع أن لديها ثقة كاملة في بلدها.منى سعيدة لرؤية بهارتي المودة من أجلها

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