النتائج (
العربية) 1:
1.1. Outline of nanomaterials11.2. Exposure to Nanoparticles and environment issues11.3. Oxidative stress31.3.1. Overview of oxidative stress31.3.2.1. Mechanisms associated with chemical characteristics51.3.2.2. Mechanisms associated with physical characteristics71.3.3. Mechanism of antioxidant system71.3.4. Biomarkers of oxidative stress91.3.4.1. Biomarkers of biochemical changes101. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) Reduced glutathione (GSH) Malondialdehyde (MDA) Photosynthetic pigments111.3.4.2. Physical changes121.4. Objectives of the current study12CHAPTER 2. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE RESPECTIVE EFFECTS OF INDIUM TIN OXIDE AND CERIA NANOPARTICLES ON SCENEDESMUS OBLIQUUS AND BALB/C MICE142.1. Indium tin oxide (ITO NPs)142.2. Ceria nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs)152.2.1. CeO2 NPs double-face effects of on biological systems162.2.2. Human exposure to CeO2 NPs172.3. Experiment design, materials and methods192.3.1. Preparation of Indium tin oxide nanoparticles solution192.3.2. Preparation of Ceria nanoparticles solution192.3.3. Algal culture192.3.4. Balb/c mice treatment202.3.5. Analytical procedures222.3.5.1. Cell count and morphological analysis222.3.5.2. Algal sample preparation222.3.5.3. Mice sample preparation222.3.5.4. SOD quantification222.3.5.5. GSH quantification222.3.5.6. MDA quantification22
2.3.5. 7. Pigment quantification23 Mice body weight23 Numerical and data analysis23
2.3.6. Results23
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