{35545}{35622}I don't want it to happen again,|for whatever reason.{35 ترجمة - {35545}{35622}I don't want it to happen again,|for whatever reason.{35 العربية كيف أقول

{35545}{35622}I don't want it to ha

{35545}{35622}I don't want it to happen again,|for whatever reason.
{35653}{35707}- CouId happen.|- CouId happen.
{35709}{35775}''C-d'' wouId be that
{35777}{35839}you say you don't want it|to happen again, but it does anyway.
{35841}{35917}And pIan ''D'' is that it doesn't|reaIIy matter what we decide,
{35918}{35952}because God has|the bigger pIan,
{35954}{35985}and whatever's gonna happen|is gonna happen anyway,
{35986}{36022}so it doesn't reaIIy matter.
{36023}{36058}What pIan do you want?
{36059}{36115}Okay, ''A'' was,|I Ieave my husband--
{36117}{36157}Wait, wait, wait, wait!|I thought of another one.
{36158}{36237}PIan ''E'' wouId be that we have|this incredibIe affair
{36239}{36277}for, Iike, a set amount of time.
{36278}{36325}When is your husband|getting back?
{36326}{36351}In about two months.
{36353}{36425}But, I mean, I'II probabIy|see him before then, in Paris.
{36427}{36454}Whatever, whatever.|Two months.
{36456}{36509}We have a smashing affair|for two months,
{36510}{36577}we know it has to end then,|we never see each other again.
{36578}{36609}Which one do you want?
{36643}{36733}Okay, weII, I want the ''C,''
{36734}{36806}the one where we|get to stay friends as weII.
{36889}{36924}Yeah, the one that,
{36926}{37041}aIthough I am fantasticaIIy,|incredibIy attracted to you ,
{37042}{37107}we just can't do it again,
{37109}{37161}but we get to|stay friends as weII.
{37188}{37238}- ReaIIy?|- Yeah.
{37240}{37289}- I hate pIan ''C.''|- ''C-a,'' I think it was.
{37290}{37324}I hate pIan ''C-a.''
{37350}{37382}Which one do you want?
{37384}{37441}The one where we|get to keep fucking, of course.
{37443}{37493}Oh. That was just|fucking to you .
{37494}{37572}No, okay.|Making Iove, whatever.
{37574}{37649}But I wouId say|that was pretty much fucking.
{37651}{37740}WeII...it had eIements of fucking,
{37742}{37828}but it couIdn't have been|such heroic fucking
{37830}{37894}if we hadn't feIt|the making Iove underneath.
{37896}{37943}Which one do you want?
{37945}{38020}Any of the ones where we|get to either make Iove
{38022}{38058}with fucking underneath,
{38060}{38101}fuck with making Iove underneath,
{38102}{38144}make Iove, or just pIain fuck,
{38146}{38185}so either ''A,'' ''B,''
{38186}{38255}the ''C'' that canceIs out your crazy ''C''|and makes us do it again,
{38257}{38309}''E,'' or the God's wiII one,
{38310}{38361}as Iong as God makes it|turn out the way I want.
{38390}{38454}Look, MichaeI,|I reaIIy Iove my husband.
{38456}{38520}You know, I just--|I can't Iet an attraction,
{38522}{38600}it doesn't matter how hot it is,|fuck up my marriage.
{38602}{38649}I'm not a chiId anymore.
{38650}{38685}So what is this, then?
{38686}{38721}- Pick a pIan.|- What is this?
{38722}{38781}This is Iife. Pick a pIan.
{38782}{38827}I want to keep seeing you , Sarah.
{38866}{38922}Okay. Without fucking
{38924}{38972}or any of your crazy,
{38974}{39068}weird, mutated|fucking subgroups.
{39118}{39142}AII right.
{39216}{39265}The pIan wiII be
{39266}{39334}that I just investigate|this IittIe area...
{39336}{39394}MichaeI, come on!
{39396}{39444}- Okay, okay.|- I'm serious.
{39446}{39481}Just Iet me do this|one more time.
{39508}{39590}Come on.|PIease, one more time?
{39624}{39673}Come here.
{39674}{39720}- Listen to me.|- One more time.
{39788}{39827}- Look, we're gonna be friends--|- One more time.
{39864}{39920}Come on. We're gonna be|fantastic friends
{39922}{39972}who Ioved fucking each other.
{39974}{40005}Love it one more time!
{40053}{40149}We'II be fantastic friends|who did Iove fucking each other,
{40151}{40234}but we cannot Iet this|happen again, okay?
{40236}{40276}I adore you .
{40278}{40332}I Iike you a Iot.
{40360}{40400}You 'II see. It'II be fun.
{40460}{40484}You hungry?
{40486}{40537}I am starving.
{40590}{40645}- WeII, come on.|- Okay.
{40738}{40769}{Y:i}''Candle ligIht.
{40794}{40857}{Y:i}''Steel blue-gray clouds|over small lights.
{40891}{40954}{Y:i}''Sweet balance and snowflakes|on the steps waiting.
{40956}{40997}{Y:i}''like me,
{40998}{41030}{Y:i}for you to fall. ''
{41092}{41116}Come on!
{41118}{41173}{Y:i}''If only you were able to move,
{41174}{41238}{Y:i}''to go, to fly, to fall,
{41270}{41325}{Y:i}''I know how deep your smile,
{41326}{41360}{Y:i}''how hard your love,
{41362}{41441}{Y:i}''how far your longing,|how wild your pleasure,
{41442}{41481}{Y:i}''if you were able to fall.
{41483}{41593}{Y:i}''To see you there, then,|would tickle me crazy.
{41595}{41668}{Y:i}''to see you then|in the embrace of that fall.
{41670}{41714}{Y:i}''But I already know that view.
{41716}{41754}{Y:i}You Ihave tIhat smile. ''
{41756}{41837}This is the best burger|I have ever had.
{41877}{41931}{Y:i}''Your eyes for anotIher bring that--
{41933}{42021}{Y:i}''that love, that joy, tIhat fall.
{42047}{42113}{Y:i}''Therefore I hum, I sigh,
{42115}{42164}{Y:i}''I giggle, I kiss,
{42166}{42237}{Y:i}''I smile, I know, I bow,
{42238}{42274}{Y:i}''I go,
{42276}{42324}{Y:i}''having had the joy,
{42326}{42398}{Y:i}''having had the very joy|I ever desired for you,
{42400}{42446}{Y:i}''only for you,
{42447}{42478}{Y:i}''and your fall...
{42521}{42544}{Y:i}for him. ''
{43069}{43128}- Do you beIieve in God?|- Yes. Do you ?
{43130}{43154}I'm trying.
{43156}{43204}Where did you|Iearn to write, MichaeI?
{43206}{43243}WiII you come on?|We're Iate!
{43245}{43307}That was reaIIy beautifuI,|what you wrote me Iast night.
{43309}{43361}That Fax Fairy seems to have|a IittIe crush on you, I think.
{43362}{43409}- It was reaIIy beautifuI.|- WiII you come on?
{43410}{43453}- Wait!|- What?
{43525}{43557}Okay, we can go now.
{43855}{43883}GIad you guys made it.
{43885}{43935}SaIIy, this is Sarah,|Sarah, SaIIy.
{43937}{43981}Hi, Sarah. SaIIy.|Nice to meet you .
{43982}{44018}Are you in this?
{44019}{44085}No, my girI Robin is the priest.|I'm from the Bronx.
{44172}{44255}ReIigion has come|in hard ways.
{44257}{44327}Unforgiving, unforgiven,
{44329}{44406}we must resurrect,|or we wiII die.
{44408}{44478}It is a question|of the authority of God...
{44480}{44515}Chicken heart.
{44517}{44552}- ...what you are wiIIing...|- Sheep heart.
{44554}{44597}- ...to endure...|- Pig heart.
{44598}{44626}...for your God!
{44628}{44773}Have you ever tasted|a human heart?
{44896}{44949}Oh, have...a heart.
{44974}{45004}I'm scared.
{45199}{45266}So...what'd you think?
{45335}{45411}I Iiked it. It was Iike, um...
{45435}{45489}ChippendaIes|meets The Exorcist.
{45583}{45613}You are so wacked.
{45615}{45662}I Ioved it.|I thought it was phenomenaI.
{45663}{45729}I mean, I'm way too stupid|to understand any of it.
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
{35545}{35622}لا نريد أن يحدث ذلك مرة أخرى، |for أيا كان السبب.{35653}{35707}-CouId يحدث. |-CouId يحدث.{35709}أن يكون {35775} '' ج-د '' ويد{35777}35839 {} أقول لكم لا تريد it|to يحدث مرة أخرى، ولكن على أي حال.{35841}{35917}واختص '' د '' هو أنه دوسن ' t|reaIIy يهم ما نقرر،{35918}{35952} لأن الله اختص has|the أكبر،{35954}{35985}، وكل ما هو الذهاب إلى happen|is سيحدث على أي حال،{35986}{36022} حتى أنه لا يهم reaIIy.{36023}{36058}اختص ما تريد؟{36059}{36115}حسنا، كان '' ألف ''، |أنا زوجي-عياف{36117}{36157}الانتظار، الانتظار، الانتظار، الانتظار! |فكرت في واحد آخر.{36158}{36237}ويد اختص '' ه '' يمكن أن نحن have|this القضية إينكريديبي{36239}{36277} ل، إيكي، كمية محددة من الوقت.{36278}{36325}عندما يكون ظهرك husband|getting؟{36326}{36351}في حوالي شهرين.{36353}{36425}ولكن، أعني، I'II probabIy|see له قبل ذلك الحين، في باريس.{36427}{36454}أيا كان، مهما كان. |شهرين.{36456}{36509}لدينا affair|for تحطيم شهرين،{36510}{36577} ونحن نعرف أنه يجب أن ينتهي ثم، |we لم نرى بعضنا البعض مرة أخرى.{36578}{36609}واحد الذي تريده؟{36643}{36733}حسنا، في، تريد '' ج ''،{36734}{36806} واحد حيث we|get البقاء أصدقاء كما في.{36863}{36887} '' ج ''؟{36889}{36924}نعم، واحد،{36926}{37041} أيثوغ وأنا فانتاستيكييي، |incredibIy لك، لجذب{37042}37107 {} ونحن فقط لا يمكن أن تفعل ذلك مرة أخرى،{37109}{37161} ولكن يمكننا الحصول على أصدقاء to|stay كما.{37188}{37238}-ReaIIy؟ |-نعم.{37240}{37289}--أنا أكره اختص '' جيم '' | '' ج-أ، ''--أعتقد أنه كان.{37290}{37324}أنا أكره اختص '' ج-أ. ''{37350}{37382}واحد الذي تريده؟{37384}{37441}واحد حيث we|get الحفاظ على سخيف، بطبيعة الحال.{37443}{37493}أوه. أن كان just|fucking لكم.{37494}{37572}لا، حسنا. |مما يجعل Iove، أيا كان.{37574}{37649}ولكن say|that ويد كان إلى حد كبير سخيف.{37651}{37740}كان ايمينتس من سخيف، في...{37742}{37828} لكنه couIdn't قد been|such من بطولي سخيف{37830}{37894} إذا نحن لم feIt|the مما يجعل Iove تحتها.{37896}{37943}واحد الذي تريده؟{37945}{38020}أي من تلك التي فيها we|get أما إلى جعل Iove{38022}{38058} مع سخيف تحتها،{38060}{38101} يمارس الجنس مع جعل Iove تحتها،{38102}{38144} جعل Iove، أو مجرد اللعنة بيين،{38146}{38185} ذلك أما '' أو '' '' ب ''،{38186}{38255} أن كانسيس الخروج الخاص بك |and '' ج '' مجنون '' ج '' يجعلنا نفعل ذلك مرة أخرى،{38257}{38309} '' ه ''، أو فيي بالله واحد،{38310}{38361} ايونج كالله يجعل it|turn بالطريقة التي أريدها.{38390}{38454}وتبدو، ميكي، |أنا reaIIy Iove زوجي.{38456}{38520}أنت تعرف، أنا فقط |لا أستطيع أن الاتجار الدولي في الانبعاثات جذب،{38522}38600 {} لا يهم كيف الساخنة، |fuck حتى زواجي.{38602}{38649}أنا لست كايد بعد الآن.{38650}{38685}فما هو هذا، ثم؟{38686}{38721}-بيك اختص. |-ما هو هذا؟{38722}{38781}وهذا هو إييفي. بيك اختص.{38782}{38827}أريد أن أظل رؤية لك، سارة.{38866}{38922}حسنا. دون سخيف{38924}{38972} أو أي من الخاصة بك مجنون,{38974}{39068} غريب، mutated|fucking الفرعية.{39118}{39142}أخي الحق.{39216}{39265}يكون فيي اختص{39266}{39334} أن أنا فقط investigate|this منطقة إييتي...{39336}{39394}ميكي، هيا!{39396}{39444}--حسنا، حسنا. |-أنا خطيرة.{39446}{39481}الانبعاثات فقط لي أن تفعل المزيد من الوقت this|one.{39482}{39506}رقم{39508}{39590}هيا. |باز، مرة أخرى؟{39592}{39622}لا!{39624}{39673}تعال هنا.{39674}{39720}--استمع لي. |--واحد المزيد من الوقت.{39788}{39827}-نظرة، نحن ذاهبون إلى أن أصدقاء-|--واحد المزيد من الوقت.{39864}{39920}هيا. ونحن في طريقنا إلى أصدقاء be|fantastic{39922}{39972} الذين إيوفيد سخيف بعضها البعض.{39974}{40005}الحب مرة أخرى!{40053}{40149}We'II تكون رائعة friends|who هل Iove سخيف كل منهما الآخر،{40151}{40234} ولكن نحن لا this|happen الانبعاثات مرة أخرى، حسنا؟{40236}{40276}أعشقك.{40278}{40332}أنا إيكي لك التونسي.{40360}{40400}لك ' انظر ثانيا. It'II أن يكون متعة.{40460}{40484}أنت جائع؟{40486}{40537}أنا جوعاً.{40590}{40645}-في, هيا. |-حسنا.{40738}{40769}{Y:i} '''' ليغيت شمعة.{40794}{40857}{Y:i} '''' رمادي مزرق الفولاذ clouds|over أضواء صغيرة.{40891}{40954}{Y:i} '''' التوازن حلوة و snowflakes|on الخطوات في انتظار.{40956}{40997}{Y:i} '''' مثلى،{40998}{41030}{Y:i} لك في الانخفاض. ''{41092}{41116}هيا!{41118}{41173}{Y:i} '' إلا إذا كنت قادراً على التحرك،{41174}{41238}{Y:i} '''' الذهاب، أن يطير، أن يسقط،{41270}{41325}{Y:i} '' أعرف مدى عمق ابتسامتك،{41326}{41360}{Y:i} '''' كيف الثابت الخاص بك الحب،{41362}{41441}{Y:i} '' مدى الخاص بك الشوق، لاحظ البرية متعتك،{41442}{41481}{Y:i} '' إذا كنت قادراً على سقوط.{41483}{41593}{Y:i} '''' أن نراكم هناك، ثم، |would دغدغة لي مجنون.{41595}{41668}{Y:i} '''' أن أراك then|in أحضان التي تقع.{41670}{41714}{Y:i} '''' ولكن أنا أعرف بالفعل هذا الرأي.{41716}{41754}{Y:i}كنت أنا أتناول تأت ابتسامة. ''{41756}{41837}وهذا هو burger| أفضلوقد كان لي من أي وقت مضى.{41877}{41931}{Y:i} '''' عينيك عن أنوتيهير تحقيق ذلك-{41933}{42021}{Y:i} '''' أن الحب، أن الفرح، تأت الخريف.{42047}{42113}{Y:i} '' ولذلك أنا همهمة، أنا تنفس الصعداء،{42115}{42164}{Y:i} '''' أنا ضحك، وقبله، وأنا{42166}{42237}{Y:i} '' ابتسم، تعرف، انحنى،{42238}{42274}{Y:i} '' اذهب،{42276}{42324}{Y:i} '' بعد أن كان الفرح،{42326}{42398}{Y:i} '' بعد أن كان joy| جداًأنا المطلوب من أي وقت مضى لك،{42400}{42446}{Y:i} '''' فقط بالنسبة لك،{42447}{42478}{Y:i} '''' وسقوط الخاص بك...{42521}{42544}{Y:i} له. ''{43069}{43128} هل بييفي لك بالله؟ |-نعم. هل أنت؟{43130}{43154}أنا أحاول.{43156}{43204}أين you|Iearn الكتابة، ميكي؟{43206}{43243}فيي لك هيا؟ |نحن عاطي!{43245}{43307}أن كان بيوتيفي reaIIy، |what لك كتب لي ليلة إياست.{43309}{43361}وأعتقد أنه يبدو "الجنيه الفاكس" have|a إييتي سحق لك،.{43362}{43409}، أنها كانت بيوتيفي reaIIy. |-فيي لك هيا؟{43410}{43453}-الانتظار! |--ما هو؟{43525}{43557}حسنا، يمكننا أن نذهب الآن.{43855}{43883}جياد رفاق جعلت.{43885}{43935}ساييي، هذا هو سارة، |سارة، ساييي.{43937}{43981}مرحبا، سارة. ساييي. |تشرفنا.{43982}{44018}هل أنت في هذا؟{44019}{44085}لا، هو بلدي إلياس روبن الكاهن. |أنا من حي برونكس.{44172}{44255}وقد رييجيون الطرق come|in الثابت.{44257}{44327}التي لا ترحم، ومغفور،{44329}44406 {} يجب علينا أحياء، |or نحن فيي يموت.{44408}{44478}هو question|of سلطة الله...{44480}{44515}قلب الدجاج.{44517}{44552}-.. أن أنت وييينج... |-القلب الأغنام.{44554}{44597}-.. تحمل.to... |--خنزير القلب.{44598}{44626} لله بك...!{44628}{44773}لقد كنت من أي وقت مضى tasted|a قلب الإنسان؟{44896}{44949}أوه، لديهم.. قلب.{44974}{45004}وأنا أشعر بالخوف.{45199}{45266}هكذا.. ما رأيك؟{45335}{45411}أنا إييكيد عليه. كان إيكي، أم...{45435}{45489}ChippendaIes|meets طارد الأرواح الشريرة.{45491}{45527}اكسسيينت.{45583}{45613}أنت المثيرة لذلك.{45615}{45662}أنا إيوفيد عليه. |اعتقدت أنه كان فينوميناي.{45663}{45729}يعني، أنا الطريق جداً stupid|to فهم أي من ذلك.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
{35545}{35622}I don't want it to happen again,|for whatever reason.
{35653}{35707}- CouId happen.|- CouId happen.
{35709}{35775}''C-d'' wouId be that
{35777}{35839}you say you don't want it|to happen again, but it does anyway.
{35841}{35917}And pIan ''D'' is that it doesn't|reaIIy matter what we decide,
{35918}{35952}because God has|the bigger pIan,
{35954}{35985}and whatever's gonna happen|is gonna happen anyway,
{35986}{36022}so it doesn't reaIIy matter.
{36023}{36058}What pIan do you want?
{36059}{36115}Okay, ''A'' was,|I Ieave my husband--
{36117}{36157}Wait, wait, wait, wait!|I thought of another one.
{36158}{36237}PIan ''E'' wouId be that we have|this incredibIe affair
{36239}{36277}for, Iike, a set amount of time.
{36278}{36325}When is your husband|getting back?
{36326}{36351}In about two months.
{36353}{36425}But, I mean, I'II probabIy|see him before then, in Paris.
{36427}{36454}Whatever, whatever.|Two months.
{36456}{36509}We have a smashing affair|for two months,
{36510}{36577}we know it has to end then,|we never see each other again.
{36578}{36609}Which one do you want?
{36643}{36733}Okay, weII, I want the ''C,''
{36734}{36806}the one where we|get to stay friends as weII.
{36889}{36924}Yeah, the one that,
{36926}{37041}aIthough I am fantasticaIIy,|incredibIy attracted to you ,
{37042}{37107}we just can't do it again,
{37109}{37161}but we get to|stay friends as weII.
{37188}{37238}- ReaIIy?|- Yeah.
{37240}{37289}- I hate pIan ''C.''|- ''C-a,'' I think it was.
{37290}{37324}I hate pIan ''C-a.''
{37350}{37382}Which one do you want?
{37384}{37441}The one where we|get to keep fucking, of course.
{37443}{37493}Oh. That was just|fucking to you .
{37494}{37572}No, okay.|Making Iove, whatever.
{37574}{37649}But I wouId say|that was pretty much fucking.
{37651}{37740}WeII...it had eIements of fucking,
{37742}{37828}but it couIdn't have been|such heroic fucking
{37830}{37894}if we hadn't feIt|the making Iove underneath.
{37896}{37943}Which one do you want?
{37945}{38020}Any of the ones where we|get to either make Iove
{38022}{38058}with fucking underneath,
{38060}{38101}fuck with making Iove underneath,
{38102}{38144}make Iove, or just pIain fuck,
{38146}{38185}so either ''A,'' ''B,''
{38186}{38255}the ''C'' that canceIs out your crazy ''C''|and makes us do it again,
{38257}{38309}''E,'' or the God's wiII one,
{38310}{38361}as Iong as God makes it|turn out the way I want.
{38390}{38454}Look, MichaeI,|I reaIIy Iove my husband.
{38456}{38520}You know, I just--|I can't Iet an attraction,
{38522}{38600}it doesn't matter how hot it is,|fuck up my marriage.
{38602}{38649}I'm not a chiId anymore.
{38650}{38685}So what is this, then?
{38686}{38721}- Pick a pIan.|- What is this?
{38722}{38781}This is Iife. Pick a pIan.
{38782}{38827}I want to keep seeing you , Sarah.
{38866}{38922}Okay. Without fucking
{38924}{38972}or any of your crazy,
{38974}{39068}weird, mutated|fucking subgroups.
{39118}{39142}AII right.
{39216}{39265}The pIan wiII be
{39266}{39334}that I just investigate|this IittIe area...
{39336}{39394}MichaeI, come on!
{39396}{39444}- Okay, okay.|- I'm serious.
{39446}{39481}Just Iet me do this|one more time.
{39508}{39590}Come on.|PIease, one more time?
{39624}{39673}Come here.
{39674}{39720}- Listen to me.|- One more time.
{39788}{39827}- Look, we're gonna be friends--|- One more time.
{39864}{39920}Come on. We're gonna be|fantastic friends
{39922}{39972}who Ioved fucking each other.
{39974}{40005}Love it one more time!
{40053}{40149}We'II be fantastic friends|who did Iove fucking each other,
{40151}{40234}but we cannot Iet this|happen again, okay?
{40236}{40276}I adore you .
{40278}{40332}I Iike you a Iot.
{40360}{40400}You 'II see. It'II be fun.
{40460}{40484}You hungry?
{40486}{40537}I am starving.
{40590}{40645}- WeII, come on.|- Okay.
{40738}{40769}{Y:i}''Candle ligIht.
{40794}{40857}{Y:i}''Steel blue-gray clouds|over small lights.
{40891}{40954}{Y:i}''Sweet balance and snowflakes|on the steps waiting.
{40956}{40997}{Y:i}''like me,
{40998}{41030}{Y:i}for you to fall. ''
{41092}{41116}Come on!
{41118}{41173}{Y:i}''If only you were able to move,
{41174}{41238}{Y:i}''to go, to fly, to fall,
{41270}{41325}{Y:i}''I know how deep your smile,
{41326}{41360}{Y:i}''how hard your love,
{41362}{41441}{Y:i}''how far your longing,|how wild your pleasure,
{41442}{41481}{Y:i}''if you were able to fall.
{41483}{41593}{Y:i}''To see you there, then,|would tickle me crazy.
{41595}{41668}{Y:i}''to see you then|in the embrace of that fall.
{41670}{41714}{Y:i}''But I already know that view.
{41716}{41754}{Y:i}You Ihave tIhat smile. ''
{41756}{41837}This is the best burger|I have ever had.
{41877}{41931}{Y:i}''Your eyes for anotIher bring that--
{41933}{42021}{Y:i}''that love, that joy, tIhat fall.
{42047}{42113}{Y:i}''Therefore I hum, I sigh,
{42115}{42164}{Y:i}''I giggle, I kiss,
{42166}{42237}{Y:i}''I smile, I know, I bow,
{42238}{42274}{Y:i}''I go,
{42276}{42324}{Y:i}''having had the joy,
{42326}{42398}{Y:i}''having had the very joy|I ever desired for you,
{42400}{42446}{Y:i}''only for you,
{42447}{42478}{Y:i}''and your fall...
{42521}{42544}{Y:i}for him. ''
{43069}{43128}- Do you beIieve in God?|- Yes. Do you ?
{43130}{43154}I'm trying.
{43156}{43204}Where did you|Iearn to write, MichaeI?
{43206}{43243}WiII you come on?|We're Iate!
{43245}{43307}That was reaIIy beautifuI,|what you wrote me Iast night.
{43309}{43361}That Fax Fairy seems to have|a IittIe crush on you, I think.
{43362}{43409}- It was reaIIy beautifuI.|- WiII you come on?
{43410}{43453}- Wait!|- What?
{43525}{43557}Okay, we can go now.
{43855}{43883}GIad you guys made it.
{43885}{43935}SaIIy, this is Sarah,|Sarah, SaIIy.
{43937}{43981}Hi, Sarah. SaIIy.|Nice to meet you .
{43982}{44018}Are you in this?
{44019}{44085}No, my girI Robin is the priest.|I'm from the Bronx.
{44172}{44255}ReIigion has come|in hard ways.
{44257}{44327}Unforgiving, unforgiven,
{44329}{44406}we must resurrect,|or we wiII die.
{44408}{44478}It is a question|of the authority of God...
{44480}{44515}Chicken heart.
{44517}{44552}- ...what you are wiIIing...|- Sheep heart.
{44554}{44597}- ...to endure...|- Pig heart.
{44598}{44626}...for your God!
{44628}{44773}Have you ever tasted|a human heart?
{44896}{44949}Oh, have...a heart.
{44974}{45004}I'm scared.
{45199}{45266}So...what'd you think?
{45335}{45411}I Iiked it. It was Iike, um...
{45435}{45489}ChippendaIes|meets The Exorcist.
{45583}{45613}You are so wacked.
{45615}{45662}I Ioved it.|I thought it was phenomenaI.
{45663}{45729}I mean, I'm way too stupid|to understand any of it.
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